Do you get to the Cloud District very often?
I've always said Nirn should be Old Ehlnofex for 'lunatic asylum', not 'arena'.
They still talk to each other.
"Ysolda was it? What brings you to the Market?"
"I'm here to by food Nazeem....
So on so forth. Just now when they talk to each other there seems to be a point to it outside of filling our speakers with sound.
Dat convo.
On a serious note, Oblivion's convos had that charm that Skyrim can't even match. It may be pointless banter, but it's some damn fine pointless banter. Skyrim should have more of it.
Meh, there could be more of it but from what I hear when I play the main difference is the vast majority of Skyrims banter between NPCs have a purpose and a direction to the conversation.
Unscripted hilarity is always a plus.
Still doesn't have that charm that Oblivions does.
Ice cold.
I miss less than 3 word greetings. "Hi!", "Hello" Never gets old.
In Skyrim is: "Let me tell you something extremely boring and pointless about my life" even though it's the first time you have seen me... Next time I see the same person: "Let me tell you the exact same thing I said earlier"... 100 times later: "Let me tell you the exact same thing you have heard many times before"...
They should have just replaced the same line with a "Good to see you!" Looks less robotic.
Its always fun to go into Cheyindahl and have the corrupt Captain talk to another person.
Captain- I don't know you and I don't care to know you
Guard- I saw a mudcrad the other day. Horrible creatures
Captain- I don't know you and I don't care to know you
Guard- They say the Kvatch Oblivion gate has been closed!
Captain- I don't know you and I don't care to know you
Guard- [Snort]
Captain- I con't know you and I don't care to know you
Guard- Bye
Always fun to hear a random snort come from someone too.
this x infinity. I'll take some randomly generated hilarious conversations over npcs saying the same horrible thing to you endlessly for the entire game any day.