Problem started today when I got Piper as a companion and found I could not speak to her. The speech keys come up but on hitting "Talk" she just says "Hey" then walks away.
I found a possible fix using console but the console does not open, at least not using the key that every other Bethesda game uses - or any other key I can find!
Earlier on I somehow accidentally activated the console and had to force quit because the of this same issue. Therefore the key is mapped to something other than it should be. I am using the AutoHotKey solution (with all game keys set to "Default") but the script does not reference the console command in anyway.
Next I thought I'd just use an old save. This where I found out that over three days of saves are missing. The only saves remaining are those immediately before the Piper problem started or from last Friday afternoon!
There is nothing in between today and then, not even any .fos.bak files.
I can't be the only one with any or all of theses issues.