- http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn303/Decrepit_Waste/ESIV%20errors/MissingCaveMesh2.jpg
- http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn303/Decrepit_Waste/ESIV%20errors/MissingCaveMesh1.jpg
- http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn303/Decrepit_Waste/ESIV%20errors/MissingCaveMesh3.jpg
My guess is that all such caves are missing.
TES4edit and loaded all mods. Found each missing ID. Of the three shown, two are of course vanilla caves, the other from Windfall (2f001f62). Search results found no conflicts of any sort.
They all share the same basic info:
- NAME – Base
- CentranceRockyBeachSm01 [STAT: 001193AC]
I then did a search of my Oblivion directory for *RockyBeach* and found the file CentranceRockyBeachSm01.NIF in I:\Bethesda\Oblivion\Data\meshes\Dungeons\Caves\Exterior. So far as I know, that's where it should be. File size is 55kB (or 54.8kB, depending on which utility I use). Date is 6/11/2009, as are all files in that sub-directory.
So, no obvious conflicts in TES4edit. The file exists. I'm stumped. How do I track down the problem?
I have done some mod changes and additions recently. But the missing meshes only appeared today, or maybe yesterday. (Yesterday's session was rather short, so I might not have noticed.) At worst, the problem might have originated day-before yesterday (06/18/10) near the end of my session...doubtful but possible.
(I do a LOT of road travel (I don't fast-travel) so normally spot such things easily.)
My last mod change was to apply the UnofficialOblivionPatch Hotfix 3.2.6 yesterday, 06/19/10.
Added West Roads (with Villages1.1 addon) and UL:SkingradOutskirts 06/18/10.
Added and removed a map upgrade on the 18th, but that contained neither esp nor any files that would effect cave meshes.
Added a few mods and updated others some days prior to the 18th, but I'm 100% sure that that meshes weren't missing then.
Where do I go from here?
Thanks in advance!