[List] Missing content - Mod Fullfillment.

Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:53 pm

Hello Skyrim guys and gals.

Some of you may know from the Morrowind forums that I love nothing more than making lists of mods that go well together. On top of that I also love lore correct mods and like tracking down and sharing those mods, often hidden gems, with other mod users.

Having recently come across a thread on reddit:http://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/1xwuq6/restoring_skyrims_cut_content/ it made me think about what else, lore wise had been missed/dropped. I know for example alot of Towns were left out of Skyrim.

This thread is designed to help being together some of those dropped quests, missing locations and abandoned items that Bethesda left out of skyrim. On top of that I also aim to help direct people to a more expanded skyrim such as village enhancements, ruined cities and forts restored. The idea is to help create a more full filling Skyrim through the hard work of modders.


If you know of any other cut/missing content or lore friendly additions/expansions then please feel free to share.

Note: This list is an interpretation as to what I see as lore correct and it more than likely will conflict with what you yourself might consider as lore correct. Take this list as a guide not gospel.

Cut Content/Missing content

This section is where cut or missing content that has been re-added to the game can be found. This includes the rebuilding of ruined towns/cities ie helgan and winterhold and the additions of towns found in arena but not in Skyrim.


The grand bit of work is the Cutting Room Floor - This mod adds in alot of missed content from the game including dropped quests, dialogue, Locations and NPCs.


This is a grand mod that takes Bethesda's civil war, rips it apart, adds in the missing content and then adds in more content. Seriously a massive effort here and a very well done mod.


Now there are a few mods out there that add in Windhelms Pit location that was cut from the game and a number of mods that add oblivion style arenas. But Faction: Pit fighter is one of the best out there. Not only does it make use of the cut content but it also adds in other "fighting rings" that the player can take part in.


One thing that bothers me about most TES games is that cities end up being destroyed or end up in ruins with no way of fixing them. Morrowind did it. Oblivion did it and now Skyrim did. Helgan reborn is one of a handful of mods that aims to restore skyrims destroyed cities. A great quest mod that is very lore friendly.


There are many winterhold mods out there, some that restore the town and some that expand upon the ruins. I personally like the idea of a restored town; it was nearly 100 years since the great collapse. What makes winterhold rebuild unique is that it restores the 4 destroyed buildings present in the game and nothing more. On top of that the mod requires you to help a "builder" restore the town so its not like the town just "appears".


For some reason, Bethesda decided to not include the Ancient Falmer Crown as an obtainable item in the game. This mod adds in the crown to the game and also gives it an armor rating to get that armor boost from perks.


If you choose to get the sapling in the gildergreen quest the sapling would nver grow in to a tree. This mod fixes that. Now your sapling will now grow over the course of 6 in-game months from a tiny bud into a full tree.


The ancient realm of Skyrim from TES arenea had a lot of town and cities, now, you have a chance to see them back. Add the Historical city of North Keep from TES Arena game.


Part of the Elder Scrolls Places is a mini-series adding locations seen in Skyrim in The Elder Scrolls Chapter I: Arena.Laintar Dale is a small township in the snowy woods of The Pale. It consists of a manor and out buildings (privately owned) and the Laintar Dale Smithy, run by the orc blacksmith Murzush gra-Ushar.


Part of the Elder Scrolls Places is a mini-series adding locations seen in Skyrim in The Elder Scrolls Chapter I: Arena. Oakwood is a small fishing hamlet in Falkreath hold on the road between Falkreath and Riverwood.


Part of the Elder Scrolls Places is a mini-series adding locations seen in Skyrim in The Elder Scrolls Chapter I: Arena. Granitehall was a small village built around the Imperial Fort of the same name. Rumors and folktales tell of a great tragedy there many years ago. Since that time the village has fallen to ruin and been overgrown by the forests around it


Part of the Elder Scrolls Places is a mini-series adding locations seen in Skyrim in The Elder Scrolls Chapter I: Arena. Amber Guard was a small village in the Reach that has fallen to ruin over the last two centuries since the events of Arena. The ruins of the village are home to a band of dangerous bandits raiding the roads of Whiterun Hold

Additional content

This section has lore friendly mods which do not detract from the game but add content to the game world. Please note no games changes are here.

Winterhold Gate

On the theme of winterhold I have a shameless plug here for my own mod. This mod adds a gate to winterhold main road to add more immersion to the town. It has two guards that patrol the gate.


A simple mod that adds a sign to Birna's Oddments in Winterhold. Just a simple thing that was overlooked by bethesda.


Adds a new stable and unique purchasable horse outside each of the four lesser holds, Falkreath, Dawnstar, Morthal, and Winterhold.


One of those: Why didnt bethesda do this? mods. This mod places a cart for fast travel in each hold capital that doesn't already have one.


Expands the Solitude docks adding more asthetic touches, npcs, boats and items to make the area less of a ghost town/dock/ship... so to speak.


Expands the shor stone village to include new merchants and NPC's adding in more atmosphere.


A nice simple expansion to the Skaal village that doesn't take too much away from the original version.


This is one of the better, or at least I think, expansions to raven rock. It keeps the original layout and doesnt add to much clutter to the small space.

Honorable Mentions

This section deals with content that I feel should have been in the game but doesn't necessarily meet the criteria of cut/missing/overlooked content.


This mod expands the woodmills of skyrim to have a functioning society around them rather than being all alone in the middle of no where.


Morrowind had them. Oblivion had them. Any self respected mage would want one. Adds book stores to the world of skyrim.


adds a burning firepit to the center of the marketplace instead of the dark unlit pit that exists in game.


Add more bees in Skyrim! Bees were too hard to come by in skyrim.


Adds gates to riverwood along with its own guard. A nice little mod that doesn't have an over the top in your face style expansion.

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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 7:58 am

Helgan should be spellt Helgen.

Thank you very much for putting this together.

Does anyone know whether Winterhold Rebuild can be found outside the Steam Workshop?
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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 4:03 pm

Cut content:

I think it's worth it to list the mods that first restored the three cut Mages College quests--the authors deserve credit for doing so, and some players may not want all the additions that Cutting Room Floor makes, or have compatibility concerns with some of it:


Mixes of restoration and addition:

Adds real-time travel via carriage with logical, lore-friendly routes; restores numerous lines of cut travel commentary that suggest real-time carriage travel was at one point intended to be a vanilla game feature.

http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22650/ (disclaimer: my mod)
Extends the Companions questline by adding more radiant quests between story stages with configurable requirements to advance; adds the choice to reject becoming a werewolf; adds a sparring minigame; adds a new radiant world encounter with the Silver Hand; adds some (mostly silent) dialogue for enhanced roleplaying; restores voiced content including a cut radiant animal pelt collection quest, the option for Aela rather than Farkas to accompany you during "Proving Honor," and a number of other cut/bugged/rarely-heard voiced dialogue lines. Also available in a "requirements-only" version for those who can't stand the silent voices used for some of the mod's features.

Adds configurable skill/attribute requirements for joining the College. Fully voiced because apparently Bethesda planned to have requirements to join the College at one point and recorded lines for being rejected. Also, when Faralda tests your magical prowess, she will test you on your highest skill instead of randomly selecting one of the schools of magic. You can still bypass the test by showing Faralda that you are Dragonborn during the main quest, or with persuasion, just like in vanilla.

Added content that feels like it was missing from the vanilla game:

Both offer the choice to decline the position of Archmage.

Forces you to prove you have an interest and skill in thievery before being recruited and advancing in the guild.

Lets you ask for jobs in specific cities.

Adds a logical and lore-friendly choice following the main quest via silent dialogue.
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