I did a clean install with shivering isles (backed that up after I patched it), and put in all the usual programs- obmm, wyre bash, obse (fast exit, weOCPS, pluggy 1.32, menuque7, OSR, elys silent voice), streamline (i directly edited the default INI cuz I though it would be faster and less hassle) and BOSS. I also used the 4GB patch on my oblivion.exe, and used OBMM to uncompress my textures.bsa, where I renamed it 'Oblivion - Textures.bsa' and changed the INI accordingly.
Then I installed the things I count as necessary =D Unofficial Oblivion Patch et al, qtp3R, and a fair few texture replacers (all the imporved ones, koldorns, better cities, AWLSC, atmospheric weather), HGEC, and Darnified UI.
I have dual monitors, and Oblivion was running in the main one. Upon starting it from the obse loader ( i also tried plain oblivion.exe, same result) both monitors flickered to black, changed screen rez, flickered to black, changed rez again, and then the loading menu comes up... completely white. At the main men, the oblivion 'title' graphic is a white box, as is where the mouse is supposed to be. Ifi try to exit, I get a white box with text in it- ie, 'exit now' etc on a white background. I can see new, load, resume etc.
I tried using obmm to un install, reinstall darnified UI. Didn't work. Got to googling- I found someone on the Tech wiki with the same problem, but their question was never answered. An then I had an ephiphany. I did a BSA redirect with OBMM (default settings, i just clicked the button.) But again, same result as above. I'm sure there is something that I've done wrong, but I isntalled everything the same way that I always do.
If anyone can suggest a fix I'd be more than grateful, because I'm completely stumped.
Some specs-
Dual monitors.
ATI Radeon 4800
8 GB ram
320GB velocoraptor HDD (partion for OS, second partition for games- oblivion is on the games partition)
dual core e8400