Missing savegames, all progress lost

Post » Tue Aug 06, 2013 2:08 am

I played the game last time about 2-3 weeks ago.

I had progressed quite far and was around lvl 50 or so.

I decided to play a little again today, only to find that everything I has done was gone.

When I started up the game I got a popup window saying that the game had to detect my hardware as if I has just installed the game and was playing for the first time.

I found it a bit odd, but didnt think anymore about it.

When I got into the game I discovered that all my savegames was gone

There was no indication whatsoever that I had ever played the game before.

What I would like to know is how the hell all my savvegames and all my progress can just disappear like that.

I have done absolutely nothing to the game since last I played it, but still all my progress is just gone.

I have never seen anything like this in any game I have ever played before.

Has there been any recent updates to the game that has caused all my progress to be erased?

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Averielle Garcia
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Post » Tue Aug 06, 2013 3:45 am

evil familymembers? different useraccounts? the game stores them in "Documents/My Games/Skyrim" on windows together with ini files. Never heard of the game willfully with artificial intent devouring any saves. And backup. I have like 12gb of saves backed up for a boring rainy day. Really check your user account folder that it is the same as always and nothing else missing.

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Post » Mon Aug 05, 2013 6:16 pm

Since I live alone, I am the only one who can mess with my computer, and I know I have not deleted them.

Having one account I cannot possibly have used the wrong account either.

I assume you mean Steam account as I have never heard of a non steam version.

I just checked the folder you mentioned and the only savegame files there are the ones from the new game I started as a result of the missing files.

Could the cause of the problem be in one or more of various mods I have installed?

I have a number of mods which are not working either anymore.

Some are animation, but most are armor/clothing mods.

Used to have mods with all sorts of craftable armor, clothing and jewelry which no longer works.

Like you I have never encountered something like this before either.

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Robert DeLarosa
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