Missing voiceovers in videos and multiplayer [FIXED]

Post » Tue May 31, 2011 8:55 am

I noticed that I can't hear any voices during videos.

For example, if I watch the Intro-Movie there will be sound and music, but if I switch on subtitles I see lines appearing of voices that are not there. I can hear the sounds of the cars and the background music, but not the voiceovers.

A similiar issue is in the multiplayer. Ingame sounds all work fine but after the match on the score screen, the voices that would praise or dispraise your team in the demo version are not hearable (The subtitles are there though).

I have the PC version of the game.

EDIT: I apologize, it was false alarm for me. Somehow an audio switch of mine messed up some frequencies. I didn't even had voices in normal video files or music. So this was a problem with my hardware and not the game.
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