Missions after joining the brotherhood?

Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:39 pm

I've played all the missions I can with the brotherhood. I've done everything McNamara has wanted me to. I've overtaken Blackmountain and become a member of the Brotherhood of Steel. Now what? I'm trying to pass the game AS a member of the Brotherhood. Is there a way to do this? Every way I've passed the game it's always the same ending for the Brotherhood. I need to blow them up -- unless I go indipendant with Yes Man... At the very least... there has got to be other missions. I recall reaching close to this point, blowing up the bunker, and getting what seemed like a never ending list of quests failed. Who do I talk to? I've talked to all the lead scribes and they don't have any more missions. Am I missing something?

.... Not to mention that I'm merely "Liked" by the brotherhood. I want to be THE MAN to them in this play through.
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louise hamilton
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 8:53 pm

have you done veronica's quest?
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Marine x
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 1:21 pm

People actually play to be friends with the BoS? I just join them, get power armor training, then blow them up.
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gary lee
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 1:08 pm

Have you made the Truce with the NCR? its not hard, but thats the last of it...


Why Not? The BoS have a place in the Wasteland... If it wasn't for them I think there would be a Super Mutant problem by now... or The Enclave would have Taken California and DC by now.. which for some is ok, some thats "horrific to think about" I don't think Mr. House would be around if the Super Mutants or Enclave were much larger.
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Daddy Cool!
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 10:01 am

Why Not? The BoS have a place in the Wasteland... If it wasn't for them I think there would be a Super Mutant problem by now... or The Enclave would have Taken California and DC by now.. which for some is ok, some thats "horrific to think about" I don't think Mr. House would be around if the Super Mutants or Enclave were much larger.

You are thinking of the East Coast BOS. The same situation certainly doesn't apply in the west.

West Coast BOS really did very little in Fallout 1, and even less in Fallout 2. They weren't responsible for "stopping the Enclave" in the west or the super mutants really.

It was the Vault Dweller and Chosen One respectively.
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 10:57 am

I've played all the missions I can with the brotherhood. I've done everything McNamara has wanted me to. I've overtaken Blackmountain and become a member of the Brotherhood of Steel. Now what? I'm trying to pass the game AS a member of the Brotherhood. Is there a way to do this? Every way I've passed the game it's always the same ending for the Brotherhood. I need to blow them up -- unless I go indipendant with Yes Man... At the very least... there has got to be other missions. I recall reaching close to this point, blowing up the bunker, and getting what seemed like a never ending list of quests failed. Who do I talk to? I've talked to all the lead scribes and they don't have any more missions. Am I missing something?

.... Not to mention that I'm merely "Liked" by the brotherhood. I want to be THE MAN to them in this play through.

If you're only "liked" you must've missed some things.

There is always the Fallout wiki. AKA " The Vault."

And as was already mentioned , it is possible to broker peace with them and NCR . Colonel Moore wont like it, but she's a b*tch anyway.
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Jamie Moysey
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 2:49 pm

@ Andronicus.

I'm not implying that the WC-BOS wiped out the Enclave. But "IF" BIG word with "IF" the Enclave did set up a Huge Base in California, that the BoS would of been the only thing that could of put up any Resistance to them, other then the Masters Army(Super Mutants) but, with the Airborne-Vertibird plot to wipe out everyone that was mutated, which would of ... well killed all Ghouls and Super mutants almost instantly.. the BoS would of been there only threat... if any threat at all.
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Stephanie Valentine
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 8:22 pm

No, the Brotherhood would not be the only threat, the Enclave would've had the NCR to contend with.
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Rudi Carter
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 2:51 pm

NCR was still in its Childhood age when the Enclave was at it's full power. The Enclave would of been able to crush Shady Sands in a week.. if not sooner, with the BoS having numerous undergound bunkers, the BoS would of been more of a Guerrilla fight situation(much like it is at Hidden Valley), but with ALMOST the tech level of the Enclave they would of Held out longer then the NCR would of, being able to come above ground and just Terrorize the Enclave...
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Kevan Olson
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 10:14 pm

What about getting McNamara ousted from his position as Elder? Is that possible to do after completing the quests you've done?
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