Missions in other parts of the world from previous games?

Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 1:24 pm

May be a very dumb question but still would be cool if this happens. I just started Oblivion and on the map I see Skyrim up north. I know you can't go to it but I'm wondering if in Skyrim there will be any missions in the other parts of the world from previous games. I'm not sure the name of these places. Is it something Bethesda would do, travel to a city that was featured in Oblivion or Morrowind. I think it would be awesome if you had a mission where you have to go back to a major city and see it with new graphics. Like I said may be an off the wall question but still is cool to think about.

I guess it would not really work because of the whole open world thing. Unless you traveled to
It in a dream or something. The only reason I bring this up is because when playing Oblivion I always here people talk of Skyrim and I thought to myself it would be interesting if they sent me to Skyrim at one point.

Your thoughts?
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