I thought this would be a fun discussion to have that I haven't really seen around here before. We all know the basic story. Mjoll was severely injured by the Dwarven Centurion while exploring Mzinchaleft. Aerin found her, helped her back to health, and now they're friends.
It seems simple enough on the surface, but it gets confusing when I actually think harder about it. The reason I say that is that Mzinchaleft is a fairly remote location in the wilderness between Morthal and Dawnstar. Aerin, on the other hand, can't fight his way out of a wet paper bag and strongly suggests in his dialogue that he's never really left Riften. What was he doing around Mzinchaleft, and how did he even survive such a long journey? Since Mjoll is portrayed in no uncertain terms as an honorable and trustworthy person, I'm assuming that the story is meant to be true, but it doesn't really add up for me. Is this just sloppy writing, or does somebody have a fun theory to tie this all together?