Hello and Good [insert appropriate time here]. Just looking for best practices moving forward to prepare for playing my modded game. I've started with a base of MGSO, applied all of the fixes made available from the MGSO OP in its thread and that I found throughout the thread(s), updated the MPP, the MCP, the MGE XE to 0.9.10, reapplied exeOpt and LAA 4GB Patch after updating my MCP, added the other mods I wished, read through a ton of readmes, used Wrye Mash Standalone install them, ordered them with MLOX and have tried to address the issues that I felt competent I could reading MLOX's messages, and ran BRPatcherv2.21 after that to get all the books patched with the rotate script.
In the course of doing all of this, I occassionally came across other potential issues listed in the various forum threads about particular mods. I'm going to try to learn what tools I need to use to clean ESPs, merge level lists, merge objects, and so forth, and I'm going to try to fix these issues going forth, but, while I am doing that, I hope that if you read this and can inform me on what I need to do for any of the below issues, you will. Thanks.
MLOX Issue #1
!!'MISSING(GH PEC Patch.ESP)' for:
'[VER > 1.2 graphic herbalism.esp]',
'Pearls Enhanced - Colored Pearls Add-on.ESP']
| "[Skrawafunda's "Graphic Herbalism Pearls Enhanced Patch"] is a compatibility patch for Graphic Herbalism and Pearls Enhanced. It allows you to collect all the new pearls from collops witout having to "open" them. In other words, this patch updates herbalism scripts to include the precious additions from Pearls Enhanced."
| (Ref: "Graphic Herbalism Pearls Enhanced Patch Readme.txt")
| Download "Graphic Herbalism Pearls Enhanced Patch" by Skrawafunda from Morrowind Nexus: http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/43236/
Using Graphic Herbalism 1.3a, edited by Skrawafunda,
The Readme says:
There are no issues when updating from ManaUser's Graphic Herbalism v1.2, it can be done with a new game as well as with an already existing game."
Pearls Enhanced v2.8 Colored Pearls Add-on
GHE PEC Patch.ESP v1.0, by Skrawafunda
My gut tells me this should be good, but I would like to know if anyone can confirm that is so.
!!'MISSING(GH PEC Patch.ESP)' for:
'[VER > 1.2 graphic herbalism.esp]',
'Pearls Enhanced - Colored Pearls Add-on.ESP']
| "[Skrawafunda's "Graphic Herbalism Pearls Enhanced Patch"] is a compatibility patch for Graphic Herbalism and Pearls Enhanced. It allows you to collect all the new pearls from collops witout having to "open" them. In other words, this patch updates herbalism scripts to include the precious additions from Pearls Enhanced."
| (Ref: "Graphic Herbalism Pearls Enhanced Patch Readme.txt")
| Download "Graphic Herbalism Pearls Enhanced Patch" by Skrawafunda from Morrowind Nexus: http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/43236/
Using Graphic Herbalism 1.3a, edited by Skrawafunda,
The Readme says:
There are no issues when updating from ManaUser's Graphic Herbalism v1.2, it can be done with a new game as well as with an already existing game."
Pearls Enhanced v2.8 Colored Pearls Add-on
GHE PEC Patch.ESP v1.0, by Skrawafunda
My gut tells me this should be good, but I would like to know if anyone can confirm that is so.
MLOX Issue #2
> 'MRM.esm'
> "Vurt's Ashlands Overhaul.esp"
| Landscape conflict.
| (Ref: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/668121-mountainous-red-mountain/page-2#entry5687706 )
From what I've read in the MRM threads, there is no fix for this unless somebody with the skills has edited the two mods and fixed everything by hand, BUT, that that issues are things like tree limbs partially obscuring paths but not blocking you from passing as well as boulders partially obscuring bridges but not blocking passage....if that is all the problem is (minor graphical glitches as well), I have no problem playing that at all as I hear MRM is worth it. Am I right in my thinking? I have never actually played through Morrowind, so I don't want to go looking for the errors, as that would ruin the unknown for me.
MLOX Issue #3
> "Neo's Unique Creatures.esp"
> [ALL
> [ANY
> 'MISSING(Creatures (lore).esp)',
> 'MISSING(Creatures (Semi).esp)',
> 'MISSING(Creatures.esp)',
> 'MISSING(Daedric Tweaks.esp)',
> 'MISSING(EcoAdjDaedricDrops.esp)',
> 'MISSING(Morrowind Advanced.esm)',
> 'MISSING(NewBlood_MW.esp)',
> 'NewBlood_MwTbBm1.1.esp',
> 'MISSING(NoAOESpellsForSummons.esp)',
> 'MISSING(Non-Homicidal Ecosystem - Daedra Edition.ESP)',
> 'MISSING(Undead arise from death .esp)'],
> [NOT 'MISSING(Merged_Objects.esp)']]
| "[Neoptolemus' "Unique Creatures"] will conflict with any other mod that alters Morrowind's creatures in any way, so you may have to 'merge objects' with TESTool."
| (Ref: "Neo's Unique Creatures.txt")
I may have already done this (which is to say, tried to do this) by the time somebody responds, and I will be reading guides, watching guide videos, and reading saved threads that seemed pertinent to me to try to make sure I use the right tool, but in case I haven't done this by the time somebody responds, is merging objects with TESTool the best way to merge objects in general, and in this specific case?
MLOX Issue #4
> '[SIZE 29311 EBQ_Artifact.esp]'
> '[SIZE 51830 master_index.esp]'
> '[SIZE 29635 AreaEffectArrows.esp]'
| These official plugins have some GMSTs (game settings) that are duplicates of those in the masters. This means that they can be safely removed. However, if you choose to leave them in they should not cause any problems unless they mask intentional changes to those GMSTs that are made higher in your load order.
| (See also: What the hell is a GMST? http://www.mwmythicmods.com/argent/tech/gmst.html )
Same basic type of question as immediately above. What tools are best for removing GMSTs?
Potential "Graphic Herbalism with Pearls Enhanced" patch and MCP 2.1 "Shortcut Key Improvements" Issue
From: DrTrygga at http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/43236/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fmorrowind%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D43236%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D2012054&pUp=1
"Thank you for your work on this compatibility patch! I love being able to use Graphic Herbalism with Pearls Enhanced!
Unfortunately, I discovered bug while playtesting, and I believe the bug is a result of the Morrowind Code Patch 2.1. I selected "Shortcut Key Improvements" during the install, which allows the space bar to close open windows.
If I open a Kollop, and close the window with the space bar before looting the Kollop, the pearl disappears. Furthermore, after closing a Kollop with the space bar, no other Kollops will ever contain a pearl on opening. This is also true when opening a Kollop without a pearl, and closing it with the space bar. It also makes no further Kollops contain a pearl.
I am unsure if this bug is just a conflict with Pearls Enhanced and the MCP, or if the conflict is within your compatibility patch and how the MCP affects it. Just curious if you might happen to know a solution or if a patch may be coming in the future to address this issue?
Again, great work! Sorry to have to report a bug. :/"
Is this in fact an issue, and if so, can anything be done to fix it other than either forgoing use of "Shortcut Key Improvements", or remembering not to close kollops with the spacebar?
Crito Olcinius and Laurina Maria LGNPC Tribunal Issue
From: Daemonjax at http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/23363/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fmorrowind%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D23363%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D111187&pUp=1
"Version 2.0:
In addition to the missing texture files and the fixed esp you need to download from the forum thread below (linked by MaeseAtorrante):
if you're using MPP (and of course you are), then you'll ALSO need to fix the records on the following NPCs using Enchanted Editor on this mod's esp file:
Crito Olcinius
Laurina Maria
... due to MPP changing those NPCs to be NOT auto-calculated.
NOTE1: I'm using MPP 1.6.6b. I don't know for sure if BTB's MPP 1.6.5 changes these NPCs from being autocalculated or not.
The absolute easiest way I know to do that (besides just deleting the records entirely for those NPCs):
Crito Olcinius: First, realize the only real change to him made by this mod is adding the NoLore script (dialogue is in separate records). So, you want to delete all subrecords except for the NAME and SCRI subrecords.
Laurina Maria: Same deal, except you'll want to keep all of the following subrecords: NAME, SCRI, CNAM, and AIDT (although I'm not sure if this change was intentional)
THEN and ONLY THEN will testool's merge objects feature properly take care of the rest for you. Otherwise, you won't be able to buy the fortify skill spell from them.
NOTE2: If you just change the flags to disable autocalc using enchanted editor, then they won't have any stats or health and so will spawn dead due to not having a full NPDT subrecord after merging objects.
I hope that helps someone.
TIP: Pay attention to FLAG changes on NPCs in your conflict report when adding mods, or you may end up with dead NPCs after merging objects."
Any tutuorials on how to use Enchanted Editor? It may be straightforward, but I haven't gotten this far in my numerous tutorial/help thread reading yet to know.
New Blood (NewBlood_MwTbBm1.1.esp) and Morrowind.ini question
The NewBloods readme states:
"To install this plugin, extract the Texture folder into your Morrowind Data files folder. I have also included two alternate versions of the stock red blood and metal spark hit effects. They are an improvement on the Bethesda textures in my opinion, but you don't have to use them if you don't wish to. They are located in the Alternate textures folder. Simply copy the textures out of the Alternate textures folder directly into Textures folder in you Morrowind Data files folder. Be warned that these will overwrite or replace the stock Morrowind hit effects.
The second part of the installation will require you to modify your Morrowind Configuration Settings file.....or this mod will NOT work as intended. Using MS Notepad for this should suffice. Open the Configuration file and scroll down to the [Blood] heading. Insert the following text under the [Blood] heading:
Model 0=BloodSplat.nif
Model 1=BloodSplat2.nif
Model 2=BloodSplat3.nif
Texture 0=Tx_Blood.tga
Texture 1=Tx_Blood_White.tga
Texture 2=Tx_Blood_Gold.tga
Texture 3=Transparent_blood.tga
Texture 4=CBbug_blood.tga
Texture 5=CBoil_blood.tga
Texture 6=CByellow_blood.tga
Texture 7=CBstone_blood.tga
Texture Name 0=Default (Red)
Texture Name 1=Skeleton (White)
Texture Name 2=Metal Sparks (Gold)
Texture Name 3=No Blood
Texture Name 4=Bug Blood (Brown)
Texture Name 5=Dark Blood (Black)
Texture Name 6=Yellow Blood
Texture Name 7=Stone flakes (Gray)"
I have installed the textures, the alternate textures, and changed the relevant entries in the .ini. I noticed that:
Texture 0=Tx_Blood.tga
Texture 1=Tx_Blood_White.tga
Texture 2=Tx_Blood_Gold.tga
in the .ini does not seem to match up with any textures I have. Searching "Tx_Blood" from my Data Files folder yielded:
Do I need to change the blood entries Texture 0-2 in my .ini to reflect the .dds filetype of the textures I have or does this not matter?