» Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:58 pm
About Gaius Atrius The Bathing Mod 2 (Stinkers.esp).
This is what mlox gives:
> 'Stinkers.esp'
| !! Uses deprecated AddToLev* function to modify gamesas leveled lists. Using any of these plugins will store leveled lists in your savegame that will override lists in your merged leveled lists plugin (e.g. "Mashed Lists.esp"), if you have one. If you have used one of these plugins, you can clean modified leveled lists from your savegame using the "Repair All" feature of "Wrye Mash". For an explanation of why the functions AddToLev*/RemoveFromLev* are deprecated, please see (Some patches may be available at that link):
| !! http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes3Mod:Leveled_Lists
But, according to readme,
New!: 03-14-2010
I have fixed the AddToLevelledList issues, fully removing that feature from "Stinkers.esp", and "StinkersBE.esp".
Maybe it happens because this mod has the same esp name as grvulture plugin Stinkers. Of course I can just change esp name to avoid mlox message, but probably it would be nice to make some changes in mlox_base avoiding confusion between grvulture and Gaius Atrius plugins, if it is possible.
Also, The Bathing Mod 2 has conflict with LGNPC Aldruhn 1.20, both changing cell Ashlands -1,6 and should load last.