Greetings, Dragon32

About the LGNPC rules and Vivec Redoran Plugin:
The actual name of 1.61 version is "LGNPC_VivecRedoran_v1_61.esp". This is the reason for the false alert of actualization.
This confused me, as I'd said mlox will first check the Description field for anything that can be manhandled into a version number, only if nothing is found is the filename used. I
think, after all I didn't write this

Pretty sure that's what John said to me once anyway.
So, I've just had a little look and the reason for the false warning with Vivec Redoran is that the Description field is:
This mod adds less generic dialogue to each NPC in the Redoran Canton of Vivec and 3 others (36 NPCs total). Also adds 11 new quests.
Version 1.60
So, the 1.61 version's Description field didn't get updated properly.
I didn't twig to the problem earlier when JoelRadar posted...
About the order of the LGNPC plugins:
considered the Official date stamp in the archives the real load order is:
Just report this because MLox redate the files in a unnecessarily way and I′d like to mantain the order from the official dates.
Thanx for your efforts in mantain the MLOX database.
What the mlox load order is based on is from cyran0:
Load Order Issues
LGNPC mods are compatible with each other, but a few installments (Pax Redoran and to a lesser extent Vivec Redoran, Indarys Manor, Secret Masters and Tel Uvirith) include some generic dialog that might be prevented from being available if other LGNPC mods load after them. LGNPC NoLore must be the first in the series to load. Its date stamp assures this, but if a mod manager such as Wrye Mash are used be certain that NoLore loads before any other LGNPC mod. Most others can load in any order and then Tel Uvirith, Secret Masters, Indarys Manor, Vivec Redoran and finally Pax Redoran. If the Pax Redoran Soul Sickness patch is uses, it must load after Pax Redoran for it to have effect.
I'm not sure I'll change the current load order... I'm pretty sure it's scattered in a number of places in the rules and I don't want to mess other things up.
Really, if there's not a genuine reason to put a Order rule in (or change an existing one) I'm reluctant to do it.
Thanks for posting though, Amenophis!