Hi john
I've another mod that needs to be addressed with mlox and http://www.fliggerty.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?p=68851#p68851 can you read about the http://lovkullen.net/Emma/Domehome.htm in question, but if you read through the thread you can have more details about other things too.

Thanks Leonardo2.
I've added in a bunch of rules for both Domehome and Asgard. Not sure if what I've done would prevent your mistake though

I've added a Note rule for Man In Zero G's "Domehome - Balmora Expanded Compatability Plugin" that says to ensure you have Balmora Expansion's resources installed. As I read that thread you didn't have BE loaded so the Conflict rule wouldn't pick it up.
As to the "other things" I guess you mean the read-only attribute on Castle Eaglestone and GDR's missive that it "needs to be the last Dwemer Mod loaded." I don't see the former as being something for mlox and haven't added it and the latter is too vague. I'm not prepared to write rules for every Dwemer mod out there and/or test them for conflicts with GDR. I also don't think that adding it to the NearEnd section is appropriate. My guess is that it's just a CYA statement by Darknut, after all it's a big mod and conflicts are a distinct possibility. If anything concrete comes up then we can add it, until then...
New submission:
Dwemer Better Bodies.esp
It's not documented in the readme, but I know it should be this way because the latter mod http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=5347 is intentionally designed to change the first mod http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=1818 to use better bodies. Using tespcd reveals that's what it indeed does.
Some more data
; "Join All Houses" by Heph Will likely create odd results.
; ref: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/readmes/Less%20Generic%20Nerevarine_readme.txt
Join All Houses.esp
;"Vampire Embrace" by Cortex shares a dialog filter with many LGNPC
; mods that could result in unexpected problems in both mods.
; ref: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/readmes/Less%20Generic%20Nerevarine_readme.txt
Thanks for those, Blouge. Never really checked the Less Generic (i.e. non-LGNPC) mods properly before and I noticed that Less Generic Tribunal also has the same warnings in its readme, so added those in as well.
New submission:
I discovered these issues while playing The Glory Road so I didn't use any ( Ref: ) lines. I found no mention of these issues elsewhere but I have confirmed them.
Special Slave Companions ver. 2.0 by Emperor
Tamriel Rebuilt: Antediluvian Secrets Beta v1.0 by The Tamriel Rebuilt Team
Silgrad Tower 1-4-6.6 by The Silgrad Tower Team and repackaged by Slartibartfast
!! The Glory Road conflicts with Special Slave Companions v2. The -follow, -other, and -combat topics will be unavailable for Lover/Companion Taarna.
[ANY SSlave_Companions.esp
!! The Glory Road cannot run with BOTH Tamriel Rebuilt and Silgrad Tower enabled as they interfere with cell "Mag Mell".
[ALL TR_Data.esm
Thanks for the information, noabody.
Found LAND conflicts between Silgrad Tower and the Glory Road and so that's been added in. However, there're no conflicts shown in TESPCD for TR, and as Maps 1 and 2 are on the other side of Vvardenfell I thought one was unlikely. Similarly, TR_Data.esm merely defines objects for use in the main TR mods. So, conflict for Silgrad Tower added but nothing for Tamriel Rebuilt.
I see John's not been on the board's since mid-March so I'm not sure what's going on there. Hope he's OK
I'll probably be doing some more updates over the next few weeks. I'm still going through the Census & Excise Office's modlist and making sure that, where appropriate, mlox has rules for the more popular of those mods (down to the 383rd row of my spreadsheet now).