...I'll take that as a "no", then >.>
Okay, I'll make the changes myself. Where do I send this thing when I'm done?
If you just post them here I can include them when I next make an update.
A quick report on a load order issue.
You have "Diablerie" loading before "Scent of Blood".
It should be like this. (See: Diablerie readme. (Or take my word for it.

This was causing CTD's for me, even on a new game, fixing this solved the problem.
Otherwise, I've had no problems with it's ordering. 
Of course I trust you *scurries off to check the readme*

Yikes, that's been in there for _ages_ Updated the rules, thanks for reporting that one!
I found a glitch using the Go To Jail mod with Immersive Chargen. There's a small opening in the building at the bottom of the stairs near the jail, but loading Immersive Chargen after fixes it.
Thanks, Nightblade_Y. Added in.
I REALLY wish I knew how to update the list because I'd like to add/update the load orders lists if I knew how...
It's pretty straightforward if it's just ordering rules you're looking at. They have the format:
I try and avoid posting monolithic lists of load orders, so if a readme says "my plugin should load after Fred's plugin and Barney's plugin and Wilma's plugin" I'll create three separate [Order] rules like:
Fred's plugin.esp
My plugin.esp
Barney's plugin.esp
My plugin.esp
Wilma's plugin.esp
My plugin.esp
Rather than:
Fred's plugin.esp
Barney's plugin.esp
Wilma's plugin.esp
My plugin.esp
Have a look at Morrowind\mlox\mlox_rules_guide.txt for chapter and verse. Or post here and I can have a look.
is it safe to install a newer version of wxpython over an older one? i guess i still have the older version for wyre mash cause mlox gives an error when trying to load the modlist, i just wanna be sure it won't screw up wyre
Yeah, shouldn't be a problem. Make sure you install the ANSI version though. I'm using Python 2.7.2, wxPython and comtypes 0.6.2
Or see the download Leonardo2 links to (quoted below)
I have a super minimal list of mods, and thought I should run my loadorder through Mlox, and it has suggested a new load order with a few bits moved around, but I get this error message after trying to update my load order -
mlox.exe 0.57 [mlox-base 2011-02-21 23:34:52 (UTC)] (en/cp1252)
Python Version: 2.5
wxPython Version:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "mlox.py", line 1600, in on_update
File "mlox.py", line 1566, in anolyze_loadorder
File "mlox.py", line 1335, in update
File "mlox.py", line 1245, in update_mod_times
File "mlox.py", line 210, in find_path
File "ntpath.pyo", line 62, in join
WindowsError: [Error 87] The parameter is incorrect
any help???
I'm no Python expert but the error there is in "ntpath.pyo" (which comes with Python itself) rather than with any of the mlox code. Try the download Leonardo2 links to (quoted below).
You're not the first one who have reported that problem, so I suggest that you get rid of Python 2.5 immediately because that version can't handle non-us Windows version. Just get http://www.fliggerty.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=54&t=4233 and http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1180562-yacobys-wrye-mash-fork/.

I haven't used mlox yet personally, so I can't really help.
This may not have any direct relevance to the question (or the answer) however I'll ask anyways.
In the current version of SM that I'm developing, I've added in code to save the time/date of the plugin if you replace it (Say for cleaning), however functionality could easily be added so it can set/reset the times on mods in a list similar to mlox. Should I bother trying to work towards that? I want to say no, leave SM to do merging but it can't hurt adding more to the swiss-army-knife utility it already is.
I haven't used SM yet pesonally, so my response may be inappropriate, but I do use mlox. IMO, mlox is not so much about trying to set/reset times on mods as much as trying to sequence the load order of the nods based on rules generated from user reported problems plus give the user a way to override those rules (mlox user file). In that respect, unless you can add something to incorporate user input over time.
I kinda was figuring that. Besides I don't think SmartMerger is suited for that task. I'll leave that to someone else.
I'd have to agree, there's quite a lot of stuff in the mlox_base.txt now so it'd seem a bit pointless to replicate that.