Hey. Been a while.
1) The link to your profile on http://code.google.com/p/mlox/wiki/Mlox#Support seems to be broken.
John doesn't seem to be about that much so I've updated the wiki to link to the Topics part of his profile. It's not ideal, I'd have preferred to link to a page of just the topics he's started but the URL includes what looks like a search ID parameter and that may well expire

Anyway, hope that works.
2) I've thought of a potential new rule, but I'm afraid I don't know how to implement it:
I got this message:
But I'm using "Official Plugins Fixes 1.1 by: michael163377" which takes care of the problem, which mlox doesn't seem to detect.
Thanks for the headsup, it's been a little while since I added any rules and I'm getting the urge again...
LOL, I were just searching for this thread..

Somebody should check this, taken from the LGNPCs' Forum.
"Re: LGNPC Load Order
? Reply #3 on: Oct 03, 2011, 03:08 PM ?
Reply with quote
*cuff cuff*
The hopefully conflict-free load order for the Less Generic NPC Project as compiled by one loony cat with a sixy stare:
1. LGNPC No Lore
2. Less Generic Nerevarine [Ostar]
3. Less Generic Tribunal [Ostar]
4. Less Generic Bloodmoon [Ostar]
5. LGNPC Seyda Neen
6. LGNPC Gnaar Mok
7. LGNPC Ald Velothi
8. LGNPC Maar Gan
9. LGNPC Hla Oad
10. LGNPC Ald Ruhn
11. LGNPC Ald Ruhn Supplement
12. LGNPC Pelagiad
13. LGNPC Tel Mora
14. LGNPC Khuul
15. LGNPC Vivec Foreign Quarter
16. LGNPC Tel Uvirith
17. LGNPC Secret Masters
18. LGNPC Indarys Manor
19. LGNPC Vivec Redoran
20. LGNPC Pax Redoran
21. LGNPC Soul Sickness Patch
LGNPC No Lore needs to load first (as stated in the Download section). Mods with the [Ostar] flag, pending their revision at LGNPC HQ, come directly after No Lore as to prevent eventual conflicts with currently released LGNPC mods. Finally, the Soul Sickness Patch has to load after Pax Redoran in order to take effect. Aside from that, I found no reason to reshuffle the load order, as the timestamps on each particular mod ensure proper 'cohabitation'."
Interesting, the order rules in mlox currently have that order for the main LGNPC mods
Ostar's Less Generics don't have any order rules in there at the moment (none specified in their respective readmes and, as they're not official LGNPC mods yet, that's the first load order suggestion I've seen).
Hmmm, reading the http://escf.rethan-manor.net/index.php?topic=2888.0 shows that things aren't all that clear cut. (i) Cyran0's advice on load order is different to what Lord Avatar posts (and you re-post, above), (ii) Lord Avatar mentions Less Generic Nerevarine before LGNPC Tel Uvirith.
I'm reluctant to exactly duplicate that load order you posted, based on Cyran0's comments, but putting something in about Less Generic Nerevarine before LGNPC Tel Uvirith seems to fix a bug so is well worth adding.
Is the patch that makes darknuts greater dwemer ruins and great house dagoth compatible included?
No. I can't seem to find it using ES Search. Got a link?
I've got another one too, pertaining to Tales of the Devious Trader: it comes with a "Resource" esp which isn't needed to play.
Thanks again.