Hello, time for a rule-base update: mlox-data_2009-10-10a.7z
Available from the usual page: http://code.google.com/p/mlox/downloads/list
I've included stuff posted here since the last update:
- MrDarkSim reported that Fligg's Slave mod conflicts with Give Your Orders in the slavescript.
- put in a note about abot's TR/BlackMill patch, reported by Amenophis
- added rules for Pluto's Sable Dragon mod, thanks to Dragon32.
- added a note about the conflict with "DNGDR-GHD Patch.esp" conflicting with the NOMified version of DNGDR reported http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?s=&showtopic=981265&view=findpost&p=14193898.
Finally, this update includes a bunch of new stuff contributed by Dragon32:
Airship Mod [qwert and Lingarn]
Armor: Integrative Modifications - Morrowind and Tribunal and Bloodmoon 1.0 [Alaisiagae]
Bloodmoon Extras - Fixed levelled lists v0.2 [Dragon32, TheOtherFelix]
Imperial Uniforms 1.2 [NukeouT]
Jury-rig Wraithguard Replacer [Alaisiagae]
Key Replacer 1.4 [Daduke]
Key Replacer MW Renamer [Shadowriath]
MGE Foggy Weather [Varana]
Mournhold Overhaul (New Textures) [Bob Smolders]
N'dib Treehouse Travel Add-on [lochnarus]
Private Mobile Base Addon pack 1.1 [N3M0]
The Sable Dragon [Pluto]
Soldier Belts Fix [Alaisiagae]
South Wall, Den of Iniquity [Balathustrius]
Standard Legion Uniforms [Arthmodeus]
Tools Integrative Modifications [Alaisiagae]
Tribunal Integration - Fixed levelled lists v0.5 [Dragon32, TheOtherFelix]
Wharf v2.0 [Samurai]
Better Looking Morrowind [Misty Moon]
Graphic Herbalism [ManaUser]
The Imperial Legion Badge 1.0 [Rodrigo Ortiz]
Mournhold Merc Transportation Fix [Nick Cowan]
Suran Underworld 2.5 [Matthew]
Tales of Tel Branora [A.P. Hilliard]
Water Life 1.13 [abot]
Please report any problems or updates, and they will be attended to (eventually

Thanks to everyone for their comments and contributions (especially Dragon32).