[RELz] mlox, a tool for anolyzing and sorting your load orde

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:33 am

Thanks for the update! I've added it to a new release: mlox-data_2009-02-17a.7z

@Rochndil: Thanks for trying out mlox. I'm glad it helps a little. mlox will probably always be in a state of "useful, but not perfect", just due to the nature of what it is trying to do. Maybe I'll just call it 1.0 one of these days, just so that sounds more "fully cooked" :)

Problem with Version: mlox.exe 0.53 [mlox-base 2009-02-17 20:02:30 (UTC)]

!!!'New Corprus Stalker.esp' Requires:
> [ANY
> 'MISSING(Undeads arise from death 1.3 - B.esp)',
> 'MISSING(Undeads arise from death 1.3 - T - B - Neo.esp)',
> 'MISSING(Undeads arise from death 1.3 - T - B.esp)',
> 'MISSING(Undeads arise from death 1.3 - T.esp)']
| (Ref: "Undeads arise from death 1.3 - README (only text).txt")
| [Note that you may see this message if you have an older version of one
| of the pre-requisites. In that case, it is suggested that you upgrade
| to the newer version].

I am running Undeads arise from death 1.4 - T - B - Neo.esp


Has anyone contacted Centurion about a fix for his mod?
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Russell Davies
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:40 am

Ya beat me to it, Sieboldii! I found that last night, but I was too beat to make a post then.

Rochndil, who has to sleep eventually...
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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:06 pm

Problem with Version: mlox.exe 0.53 [mlox-base 2009-02-17 20:02:30 (UTC)]

!!!'New Corprus Stalker.esp' Requires:
> [ANY
> 'MISSING(Undeads arise from death 1.3 - B.esp)',

Thanks, I've changed the rule-base to now check for version 1.4 of this mod, so here's a new release: mlox-data_2009-02-19.7z
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Maya Maya
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:06 am

Thanks, I've changed the rule-base to now check for version 1.4 of this mod, so here's a new release: mlox-data_2009-02-19.7z

Thanks, John.

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Paula Rose
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:49 am

I find my self to use this regulary now after thoose mod install runs just to check out stuff, very useful,so thanks :)
or point folks to it occasionally.
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Sebrina Johnstone
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:43 am

This little jewel of a tool found a few conflicts in my mod installations that I would never have found on my own, and even recommended an upgrade. I followed the advice and those nagging little problems I was having disappeared. Amazing work. I thank you for your efforts.
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Vincent Joe
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:23 pm

Bloated Morrowind comment needs to be corrected as R7 of UUMPP has removed Bloated Morrowind fix.

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sam westover
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:35 am

I just wanted to say I love this program! It really helped sort out the ridiculous amount of mods I use. Thanks lots! :lol:
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:02 pm

Based on http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?s=&showtopic=946462&view=findpost&p=13877576 this rule needs updating, as a starter:

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @UUMPP [TES Morrowind Community, ThePal, Baldurdash, and quorn][...][Note] ! All of these plugins are either included in, or the problems they address are also addressed by the latest UUMPP by quorn [Morrowind Patch v1.6.4 (WIP)]. It is recommended that you replace them with the UUMPP.ArchMage_Fix_0604.espBM-Armor-FIX.espBMFemArmorFix.espBloated Morrowind.espBloodmoonAmmoFix.espBloodmoonQuickFixes-LD.espBook Placement Fix - Bloodmoon.espBook Placement Fix - Morrowind.espBook Placement Fix - Tribunal.espBrittlewind Fix.espClean_Templar_Pauldron_Fix_v11.espCrusader Class Fix.espDome of Serlyn fix.espEbonheart Warehouse Fix.espEbony Armor Fixes.espExcuseMe.espFactor_fix.espGhostgate_Shrine_fix.espHasphatsBooks.espMorrowind Patch v1.6.3.esmNerevarine Greeting tweaks.espNoLore Solstheim.espPelagiad Fix.espPieces of the Blade Fix.espQuestfix-1.2.espRalen_Hlaalo_reward_fix.espSecretMasterFix.espSnow Bear boot fix.espSolstien_undialog.espSt Llothis Fix.espTelvanni Guard Fix.espTelvanni_Archmagister_Fix.espTenpacebootsfix.espTribunalQuestFix.espUupseFix.espbm_wolf_greaves_fix.espcattle_fix.espcorpusbugfix.esplfx_nerevarine_greetings.esplfx_rare_heartwood.esplfx_rare_holly.esplfx_rare_hornlily.esplfx_rare_ingredients.esplfx_rare_merged.esplfx_tenpace_tribunal.espshvBugFix01.espshvBugFix02.esp
2 new ones: BloodmoonQuickFixes-LD.esp and Ghostgate_Shrine_fix.esp
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Marcin Tomkow
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:50 am

@sieboldii and Dragon32: thanks for the heads up.

New Release for mlox-data: mlox-data_2009-02-28.7z

This contains fixes for the latest release (R7) of the UUMPP, removing the bloated remover, and adding the 2 new obsoleted .esps.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:04 am

UUMPP got rid of Bloats with the newest release didn't it?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:18 am


About UUMP, according to http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?s=&showtopic=946462&view=findpost&p=13886042 by Quorn, the http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?s=&showtopic=946462&view=findpost&p=13883487 doesn't need the LGNP compatibility patches anymore, so you should remove those lines:
[Patch] "UUMPP LGNPC wild nix hounds fix.esp" fixes a compatibility issue between the UUMPP and LGNPC Pax Redoran.UUMPP LGNPC wild nix hounds fix.esp[ALL Morrowind Patch v1.6.4 (WIP).esm     LGNPC_PaxRedoran_v1_12.esp][Patch] "UUMPP LGNPC Andus Tradehouse fix.esp" fixes a compatability issue between the UUMPP and LGNPC Maar Gan (it removes the lock from the Andus Tradehouse rent room door).UUMPP LGNPC Andus Tradehouse fix.esp[ALL Morrowind Patch v1.6.4 (WIP).esm     LGNPC_MaarGan_v1_10.esp]

UUMPP got rid of Bloats with the newest release didn't it?

AFAIK, yes.

A few change for MWE related mods (added MWE_Goldburden.esp and the requirements / order for the spell timer mod):
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @Morrowind Enhanced [???][Note] Ensure you are using the latest version of Morrowind Enhanced, v1.6 [src="http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/938026-relz-mlox-a-tool-for-analyzing-and-sorting-your-load-order/http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Utilities.Detail&id=8"]http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View...Detail&id=8[/url]MWE_Combat.espEnhanced_Stealth.espMWE_Journal.espMWE_Blocking.espMWE_Crime - Stealth.espMWE_Crime - Stealing Bugfix.espMWE_Crime - Less Annoying Guards.espMWE_Writing.espSpell Timer MWE Addon.espMorrowind Decapitated.espMWE_SneakEye.espMWE_Base.espMWE_GoldBurden.esp[Requires] (Ref: "Gold Burden Readme.txt")MWE_GoldBurden.esp[MWE_Base.esp][Order]MWE_Base.espSpell Timer.espSpell Timer MWE Addon.esp[Requires] (Ref: "?")Spell Timer MWE Addon.esp[ALL Spell Timer.esp     MWE_Base.esp][Note]The Spell Timer mod requires MWE, MGE and MWSESpell Timer.espSpell Timer MWE Addon.esp

A note for Melee Missiles by Scruggs:
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @Melee Missiles v1.2 [scruggs][Requires] This plugin uses a Startup script so it requires at least one of the expansions.Melee Missiles v1.2.esp[ANY Tribunal.esm     Bloodmoon.esm][Note] !! This mod will cause a crash if it is active when you start a new game. !! You must load it after finishing character generation. !! It happens because a new NPC with the ID 'Player' is added in the mod.[Melee Missiles v1.2.esp]

My two MWSE add-ons for tents mods:
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @Dongle Ranger Tent MWSE Patch [Bjam][Requires]Bjam_DGL_rt_MWSEpatch_v1.0.esp[Ranger Tent.esp];;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @Aragon Ashlander Tent MWSE Patch [Bjam][Requires][ANY bjam_Aragon_at_MWSEpatch_v1.0.esp     bjam_at_MWSE_patch.esp][AshlanderTent.esp][Conflict] Choose ONLY ONE of these plugins.[ANY bjam_Aragon_at_MWSEpatch_v1.0.esp     bjam_at_MWSE_patch.esp][ANY AshlanderTent-AldVendras.esp     AshlanderTent-Annastia.esp     AshlanderTent-BloodyOath.esp     AshlanderTent-BootyIsland.esp     AshlanderTent-Con2.esp     AshlanderTent-Havish.esp     AshlanderTent-InfernoIsland.esp     AshlanderTent-Korobal.esp     AshlanderTent-LothavorsLegacy.esp     AshlanderTent-SeaOfDestiny.esp     AshlanderTent-StanegauIsland.esp     AshlanderTent-SwordOfPerithia.esp     AshlanderTent-TheBlackMill.esp     AshlanderTent-Veldion.esp     AshlanderTent-Ysgramor.esp]

I hope the formatting is right. :hehe:
bjam_Aragon_at_MWSEpatch_v1.0.esp and bjam_at_MWSE_patch.esp are the same esp with two different names. :embarrass:
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Dominic Vaughan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:02 am

Just installed Vality's Ascadian Isles Mod, ran mlox with the 2/28 text file, and mlox is telling me there is a fix for it called "Vality's Ascadian Isles + UUMP Fix" at http://www.freewebs.com/slartibartfast1/downloads.htm, but I don't see it there anywhere. I did a google search but it didn't show anything with that name, or close to it. Is it even necessary? Am I just missing something obvious at his site?
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natalie mccormick
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:57 am

@Pwin: The previous releases of UUMPP included a "UUMPP Bloated Morrowind removal patch.esp" to remove the bloats added by the UUMPP in the case where the user already has bloats added by some other plugin. Since the latest release of the UUMPP removed the bloats, it also removed the need for "UUMPP Bloated Morrowind removal patch.esp", and that's what I was removing.

About UUMP, according to http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?s=&showtopic=946462&view=findpost&p=13886042 by Quorn, the http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?s=&showtopic=946462&view=findpost&p=13883487 doesn't need the LGNP compatibility patches anymore, so you should remove those lines:

Thanks for the clarification. I wasn't sure if quorn's comment referred to R7 or to the future, since R7 still includes the Andus/nix-hounds patches and the readme still refers to them.

I've added your changes for MWE_Goldburden.esp, the spell timer mod, the note for Melee Missiles, and your two MWSE add-ons for tents mods, and so:

New Release of the rule-base to include bjam's updates: mlox-data_2009-03-02.7z
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Krystal Wilson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:51 am

Just installed Vality's Ascadian Isles Mod, ran mlox with the 2/28 text file, and mlox is telling me there is a fix for it called "Vality's Ascadian Isles + UUMP Fix" at http://www.freewebs.com/slartibartfast1/downloads.htm, but I don't see it there anywhere. I did a google search but it didn't show anything with that name, or close to it. Is it even necessary? Am I just missing something obvious at his site?

Well, I guess that site changed and perhaps the fix is no longer needed. Just in case, here is the Readme from "Vality's Ascadian Isles + UUMP Fix":
This mod is an alternative esp that resolves a conflict with the Unofficial
Unofficial Morrowind Patch version 1.6.4 and Valitys Ascadian Isles Addon
version 2.You will require Vality's Ascadian Isles mod to be installed before
using this esp.

The conflict occurs because the UUMP fixes an issue with 3 flora_bush_1
objects that are floating in the air by moving them. Vality's mod attempts
to move the same 3 items but cannot locate them because they have been
moved by UUMP so an error message occurs.

This esp has had the offending references removed from the Ascadian Isles
Addon. Use this esp instead of the one supplied with with Vality's Ascadian
Isles addon version 2.

So, if you do run into that reference problem, then at least you'll know where it's coming from. But I'll remove that rule from the rule-base in the next release to avoid confusion, as it's no good to refer to a non-existant patch. thanks.
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victoria johnstone
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:02 am


!!'acsSunsiBBShirt.esp' is missing some pre-requisites:
'Better Bodies.esp',
[ANY 'MISSING(TheBlackMill11.esp)', 'MISSING(TheBlackMill.esp)']]
| When using Better Bodies together with The Black Mill, you
| should use acsSunsiBBShirt
| (Ref: "Readme acsSunsiBBShirt.txt")

The esp in question is The Black Mill.esp not TheBlackMill.esp.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:41 am

esp in question is The Black Mill.esp not TheBlackMill.esp.

In the archive I have (TheBlackMill1.0.zip) it is TheBlackMill.esp (14/03/2004)
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Cheryl Rice
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:59 am

In the archive I have (TheBlackMill1.0.zip) it is TheBlackMill.esp (14/03/2004)

Yes, me too.

Sieboldii, would you be able to run down a link to the version you have? Maybe it's an older or alternate version that I did not find in my searches.
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Jessie Rae Brouillette
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:46 pm

Yes, me too.

Sieboldii, would you be able to run down a link to the version you have? Maybe it's an older or alternate version that I did not find in my searches.

I know I have had it a long time and that I got it from Tommy's site. I can always resolve it by just changing the name in my data files.


Problem resolved. Several years ago I merged the fix and TheBlackMill and changed the name to The Black Mill to keep them separate. I noted that in Mash and had to look in Mash to see what was up.
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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:13 am


There's been a note Mlox has been giving me for some time that I've been meaning to post about. It always grouses about Giants Ultimate 271.


> 'GIANTS.esm'
| !! Uses deprecated AddToLev* function to modify gamesas leveled lists. For an explanation of why the functions AddToLev*/RemoveFromLev* are deprecated, please see (Some patches may be available at that link):
| !! http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes3Mod:Leveled_Lists

BUT, when you follow the link provided, the page there says:

Giants 2.7.1 "Ultimate" (GIANTS.esm)
* The Add_Ultimate_items script uses the AddToLevItem command, but apparently the script is never run.
* No patch necessary.

So, who's right? I don't have the technical expertise to say, but perhaps someone else does.

Rochndil, adding one bit at a time...
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:11 am

john.moonsugar can probably answer this better than me... But here we go.

AFAIK, popular mods (those in PES' Hall of Fame) have been added into mlox. They've been checked with Tes3lint, another one of john.moonsugar's tools, for amongst other things use of the AddToLev* script commands. Those that use it are flagged in mlox.

This whole use of AddToLev* problem came to light in a thread here... that I can't remember the name of :) Or at least that's when I first remember hearing about it. Anyway, I think it may have been me who looked at GIANTS and checked the script out but couldn't find it being run at any point. The script's in the mod but never runs (as far as I could tell). So an automated tool, like Tes3lint, will find it and report it but as it never runs it's not a problem.

It might be worth modifying the mlox rule to add the ", but apparently the script is never run." bit. I don't have a copy of GIANTS handy (stupid installer thing) so can't double check.
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Kate Schofield
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:55 pm

So, who's right? I don't have the technical expertise to say, but perhaps someone else does.

Well, taking a quick look in the copy of GIANTS Ultimate that I have, I see that the script in GIANTS.esm called Add_Ultimate_items uses the addToLevItem function, and the script is set up to run as a startup script, so it looks to me like the script would run, but perhaps I'm wrong about that. Maybe someone can confirm or deny?

Edit 1:
@Dragon32: you're correct that I checked the AddToLev* offenders with tes3lint, and also that tes3lint isn't smart enough to know if a script is actually used or not. So in most cases, I actually did further manual checking to see if the plugin appeared to use the script. (But it's possible that I made mistakes or forgot to check some of the scripts, so it's always good for people to double-check the rules :) )

Edit 2:
@Rochndil: If you're just interested in having mlox shut up, one way around it would be to rename GIANTS.esm to something else, like: "Clean_GIANTS.esm". Even if it does change the 2 little lists referenced in that script, it's probably not a big deal for most people.
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Neliel Kudoh
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:28 am

Good morning!

Please don't misunderstand. I'm not angry or upset or frustrated. I just want to get the BEST information possible into the program. Mlox is intended to assist the less-than-expert user in both mod load order AND compatibility (in a more limited capacity). Obviously, it's just a program, and can ultimately only do so much, but like all programs, it does what it can do FAST, and that's of great value. In my personal case, on first run, it probably saved me MANY hours of tweaking, testing, and hunting.

That said, in order to be as useful as possible, the DATA that Mlox is provided with should be as accurate as possible. In this specific case, Mlox points out a potential problem, directs the user to a resource, and then that resource indicates that there IS no problem. SO, the user is left either distrusting Mlox (because it indicated a non-issue), or questioning the resource directed to (BY Mlox). Neither situation is very helpful.

The real heart of the issue is, IS there a problem with Giants 271? If there is, Mlox is correct, and SHOULD flag the ESM. If it is NOT correct, Mlox should alter its note to indicate that the 271 version of the file IS acceptable, and only direct the user to the UESPWiki page for confirmation and additional explanation. It's probably not wise to remove the note entirely, since the Giants ESM lacks a version number, unless Mlox has another way of determining the file version (date? size?).

I hope that's clear. If I ever develop sufficient knowledge, I'll do what I can to submit rules directly, instead of nitpicking them after the fact.

Rochndil, who is a tech writer and not a programmer...
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:36 am

Please don't misunderstand. I'm not angry or upset or frustrated. I just want to get the BEST information possible into the program.

No problem at all, I agree with you.

The real heart of the issue is, IS there a problem with Giants 271? If there is, Mlox is correct, and SHOULD flag the ESM. If it is NOT correct, Mlox should alter its note to indicate that the 271 version of the file IS acceptable, and only direct the user to the UESPWiki page for confirmation and additional explanation. It's probably not wise to remove the note entirely, since the Giants ESM lacks a version number, unless Mlox has another way of determining the file version (date? size?).

In my opinion, mlox is correct on this issue, but I'm willing to be proven wrong. I didn't write the Wiki page, and I'm not sure why it says that the script isn't used. However, that page is the best source of information on the AddToLev*/RemoveFromLev* problem and that's really the reason why it's referred to by mlox.

The version of GIANTS that I have examined is 2.7.1, and it does set up that script to be a startup script, in which case, the script should run, contrary to the wiki page. Of course, it's possible that I've overlooked something. Even though I think that mlox is technically correct on the issue, GIANTS only modifies 2 small leveled lists, so it's probably not going to really cause big problems for most people.

If anyone can verify my conclusion, then maybe we ought to get the Wiki page changed on this matter.

Edit: P.S. Yes, mlox can use the file size to determine the version of the plugin. So if one version of GIANTS does not use the startup script, we could make mlox distinguish between the two.
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Mrs shelly Sugarplum
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:22 am

Thank you for mlox. I don't know how much time and frustration it just saved me, but I'm guessing a day or three. Thank you very much.
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James Hate
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