I tried to find the rule before I posted but I am horrible at reading that file and I have windows so it's kind of hard to read I think.
That file does use Unix style line-endings, not DOS (CRLF). Is there not an editor that allows you to view files that use Unix line-endings?
I think I understand that mlox will let .esps stay wherever they happen to be if there isn't some rule telling them they have to be moved right? I'm trying to find out what rule is telling mlox to force 107x_to_108 to load after Vampire Hunger but I can't find it. Are you saying that there isn't a reason that it is doing it? I mean if there isn't a rule then it would just let the .esp stay wherever I wanted it right? So there must be a rule. Why does this rule exist is what I want to know. I just want to know if there is actually a reason that it needs to load after Vampire Hunger. Maybe I just don't understand correctly. I don't want to waste any of your time.
Well, I'll try to explain what's going on in this case. There is a general explanation of how mlox does what it does in the mlox_guts.txt document.
The [Order] rules in mlox are transitive. So if A comes before B, and B comes before C, then mlox knows that A must come before C.
In the rule-base there are the following rules:
Galsiahs Character Development.esp
GCD StartScript for Trib or Bloodmoon.esp
GCD better balanced birthsigns.esp
GCD Over 60 level speedup.esp
GCD Restore Potions Fix.esp
GCD settings fairly easy.esp
GCD settings hard.esp
GCD - Cult of the Clouds patch.esp
GCD TEO compatibility patch.esp
CharGen Revamped delay2.esp
Brittlewind fix.esp
Vampiric Hunger Base.esp
mlox will put them together: seeing that "Vampiric Hunger Base.esp" comes before "GCD_VH_patch2.esp" (2nd rule), and "GCD_VH_patch2.esp" comes before "GCD_107x_to_108_patch.esp" (1st rule), so mlox concludes: "Vampiric Hunger Base.esp" comes before "GCD_107x_to_108_patch.esp".
Now, if you want to know where those 2 rules came from, the 2nd rule should be pretty obvious, as the patch is supposed to modify what was in "Vampiric Hunger Base.esp", so it needs to come after it. The intention of the first rule is to put the patches for GCD after "Galsiahs Character Development.esp", which is generally what you do with patches, however it is true that this rule specifies more orderings than are probably necessary. For example, we could move "GCD_107x_to_108_patch.esp" above "GCD_VH_patch2.esp" in the rule and then mlox would no longer put "GCD_107x_to_108_patch.esp" after "Vampiric Hunger Base.esp".
So, why was the first rule written like it is? Well, because even though it doesn't really matter what the order of most of the GCD patches is, it's easier to write the one rule like that than separate rules to put each patch after the main .esp. And having one rule is easier to read, and so it makes the rule-base more maintainable, and lastly because it doesn't really harm anything to add some orderings even where they are not necessary, although some care has gone into not going overboard with this attitude in the rule-base.
Hope that helps a little.