(Windows exe version is standalone, the Python version requires http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionUtilities.Detail&id=52560&id=44
(Note that if you have wxPython for Wrye Mash, it might not be the version mlox needs)
(Please download both the mlox application and mlox-data distribution archives from the download page)
(read all about mlox on the http://code.google.com/p/mlox/wiki/Mlox)
mlox is a tool for anolyzing and sorting your plugin load order.
It runs on a simple little rule-based engine with rules that specify the order, conflict and pre-requisite relationships between your plugins.
* runs on Windows or Linux smile.gif
* optimally reorders your load order to avoid known problems, where "optimally" is relative to the quality and coverage of the rule-base. (Currently the rule-base still needs some work, of course, but it continues to improve, thanks to the help of others).
* warns about missing pre-requisites
* warns about plugin conflicts
* prints notes for things you might want to know about a mod, but were too lazy to read the Readme, or even find the info in some post somewhere in the Internets smile.gif
* user customizable via a rules file. Just create an mlox_user.txt in your mlox directory, and start adding your own rules.
* can also check someone else's load list from a file: "mlox.py -wf Morrowind.ini" (or just paste the list of plugins into the Active plugins pane of the GUI. mlox understands the format of the [Game Files] section of Morrowind.ini, as well as the output of Wrye Mash and Reorder Mods++)
Here are links to the current documentation (they're just text files):
http://code.google.com/p/mlox/source/browse/trunk/mlox/mlox_readme.txt - introduction, installation and usage
http://code.google.com/p/mlox/source/browse/trunk/mlox/mlox_rules_guide.txt - how to write rules for the rule-base, if you want to customize
http://code.google.com/p/mlox/source/browse/trunk/mlox/mlox_guts.txt - technical details, for the curious
If mlox appeals to you and if you can help contribute to the rule-base, please send your contributions to me, and I'll post a new rule-base as soon as I can.
- I18N bug
- program preferences
- aliases: allow user to specify one plugin includes one or more other plugins.
- mlox community rule editing website and option to automatically update from rules website so user does not have manually download rules.
- allow user to suppress any given warning.