A new mlox rule-base is coming soon, with much help from Dragon32. One of the biggest changes will be some support for NoM 3.0. The support won't be complete because NoM has been around so long, and it has been so popular, that many mods have had compatiblity patches with previous versions, and some of those older patches will not work with NoM 3.0. It's going to take me some time to figure that all out. If you can help, then please let me know if you've tested one of the following mods/compatibilty patches and discovered whether or not it works with NoM 3.0. (Or maybe even better, let me know if you've developed your own compatibility patch). According to Taddeus, the general rule is that if the mod or patch included NoM scripts, those scripts have likely changed and the mod or patch will no longer work correctly with 3.0. But a number of older patches which are supposed to load before NoM just added NoM objects without changing scripts, and they would probably still work with 3.0 (although we might have to check for clipping due to mesh changes).
Here's the list that mlox currently knows about that will need to be checked, load order is noted in those cases we already know about:
- "Acheron's Camping Gear 2.esp" + "ACG2 NOM Compatible.esp" (patch) by Acheron.
- "Ald Redaynia Extended.esp" by Princess Stomper. Supposed to load before NoM.
- "Another Balmora (NoM version).esp"/"Another Balmora (NoM + illuminated Order).esp" by basswalker. Supposed to load before NoM.
- "Cali_RiverHouse_NoMKitchen.esp" from "Balmora River House" by Calislahn. Supposed to load before NoM.
- "BLLDV_ALL.esp", etc from "Better Looking Liquor, Drugs, and Vials" by Korana. Supposed to load *after* NoM. (to ensure that labels are on the bottles. (See also: )
- "BB_Clothiers_of_Vvardenfell_v1.1.esp" from Clothiers of Vvardenfell Version 1.1 by Korana, BadKarma, and Lady Rae. Supposed to load before NoM.
- "DN-GDRv1_NOM.esp" from Darknut's Greater Dwemer Ruins.
- "havish13_nom_patch.esp" from Havish by JOG. Supposed to load before NoM.
- "Hold it - NOM addon.esp" from Hold it by Danae. Supposed to load *after* NoM, apparently to modify some NoM NPCs.
- "Lazslo_NOM_v7.385.esp" from Laszlo Manor by latendresse76.
- MCA? Uh, someday soon I need to get MCA 6 in mlox

Older compatibility patches that likely will not work with either NoM 3 or MCA 6: "MCA - NOM Patch.esp", "Morrowind Comes Alive NOM Patch.esp", "MCA and NOM Food and Drink Patch.esp"...
- "MWlib_NOM_patch_0.1.esp" from Morrowind Public Library v1.5 by DrSilent. Supposed to load *after* NoM.
- "Mysthaven Manor- Necessities of Morrowind 2.0 Edition.esp" from Mysthaven Manor by William The Taffer. Supposed to load before NoM.
- "BAR_RethanExpansion_v2.2_NoM.esp" from Rethan Expansion Version 2.2 by Baratheon79. Supposed to load *after* NoM.
- "RoHT NoM Addon.esp" from Rise of House Telvanni by Pozzo, Karpik777, bhl et al.
- "The Sable Dragon1.5.esp" from The Sable Dragon by Pluto. Supposed to load before NoM.
- "Serabul - NOM Patch.esp" from Serabul by Rellac.
- "SSlave_Comp_NOM_addon.esp" from Special Slave Companions ver.2 by Emperor.
- "NOM Travel Tent Patch.esp" from Travel Tent by Aftershock.
- "BT_Whitewolf_2_0NOMaddon.esp" from White Wolf of Lokken by Emma.