(Windows exe version is standalone, the Python version requires http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionUtilities.Detail&id=52560&id=44
(Note that if you have wxPython for Wrye Mash, it might not be the version mlox needs)
(Please download both the mlox application and mlox-data distribution archives from the download page)
(read all about mlox on the http://code.google.com/p/mlox/wiki/Mlox)
mlox is a tool for anolyzing and sorting your plugin load order.
It runs on a simple little rule-based engine with a small set of rules that specify the order, conflict and pre-requisite relationships between your plugins.
mlox tidbit: did you know that the "Morrowind Patch Project" (MPP) obsoletes at least 74 older plugins for various bugfixes? mlox knows, and it can tell you if you've loaded an obsolete plugin.
* runs on Windows or Linux smile.gif
* optimally reorders your load order to avoid known problems, where "optimally" is relative to the quality and coverage of the rule-base. (Currently the rule-base still needs some work, of course, but it continues to improve, thanks to the help of others).
* warns about missing pre-requisites
* warns about plugin conflicts
* prints notes for things you might want to know about a mod, but were too lazy to read the Readme, or even find the info in some post somewhere in the Internets smile.gif
* user customizable via a rules file. Just create an mlox_user.txt in your mlox directory, and start adding your own rules.
* can also check someone else's load list from a file: "mlox.py -wf Morrowind.ini" (or just paste the list of plugins into the Active plugins pane of the GUI. mlox understands the format of the [Game Files] section of Morrowind.ini, as well as the output of Wrye Mash and Reorder Mods++)
Here are links to the current documentation (they're just text files):
http://code.google.com/p/mlox/source/browse/trunk/mlox/mlox_readme.txt - introduction, installation and usage
http://code.google.com/p/mlox/source/browse/trunk/mlox/mlox_rules_guide.txt - how to write rules for the rule-base, if you want to customize
http://code.google.com/p/mlox/source/browse/trunk/mlox/mlox_guts.txt - technical details, for the curious
If mlox appeals to you and if you can help contribute to the rule-base, please send your contributions to me, and I'll post a new rule-base as soon as I can.