was not working completely. The changes that are made to the attributes of certain skills
where changed, so Madd leveler Madd Skills.esp was apparently working as it should.
But as far as i could tell the rest i use where not. I have the following installed(And also
in that order.):
Madd Leveler - Cap Remover.esp
Madd Leveler - Madd Health.esp
Madd Leveler - Madd Skills.esp
Now at first i hat Immersive Chargen.esp loaded immediately after the Madd leveler mods
and in that order Madd leveler was not working as it normally should. So to check whether
it was indeed Immersive Chargen that caused the problem i restarted with Immersive Chargen
loaded immediately before the Madd Leveler mods. And look and behold Madd Leveler
seems to be working again as it should.

I am not certain whether this was just a glitch, but if it was not it might be handy to change this
in mlox_base.txt so that people know they should load Immersive Chargen v1.24 before Madd Leveler.
Just incase it is needed for testing this problem i hat, this is my load order list:
001 Morrowind.esm
002 Tribunal.esm
003 Bloodmoon.esm
004 Texture Fix 1.8.esm
005 Bloodmoon Landscape Overhaul 1.0.esm
006 The Undead.esm
007 GDR_MasterFile.esm
008 Morrowind Patch v1.6.4.esm
009 Better Bodies.esp
010 Slof's Better Beasts b.esp
011 Westly Presents_Exiles of Akavir_N.esp
012 Minions of House Dagoth.esp
013 Neo's Unique Creatures.esp
014 Creatures.esp
015 Unique Ghosts - M - T.esp
016 Weapon Pak K3DG.esp
017 kalikut's adventurer clothing.esp
018 DN-GDRv1.esp
019 TheBlackMill11.esp
020 acsSunsiBBShirt.esp
021 TBMWalkthrough.esp
022 Ravenloft_v0502d.esp
023 Gravedigger.esp
024 ToggleSneak.esp (Version 1.1)
025 dxm_metallic_signs.esp
026 TVwofs.esp
027 Vality's Addon Combo.esp
028 Syc_MorrowindsStupidestCriminals.esp (Version 1.0)
029 AIM_MW_TB_BM_1dot0.esp
030 MyPlayersAssets.esp
031 RAMF_Mer_for_NPCs.esp
032 AlleywayTrader.esp
033 Antares' Big Mod 4.esp
034 Immersive Chargen.esp
035 Madd Leveler - Base.esp
036 Madd Leveler - Cap Remover.esp
037 Madd Leveler - Madd Health.esp
038 Madd Leveler - Madd Skills.esp
039 Expanded Sounds.esp
040 Piratelords Relighted Combo.esp
041 TLM Lighting Combo.esp
042 Lights_300_V4.esp
043 Merged_Objects.esp
044 Mashed Lists.esp