Mmm. Tasty bile in my inbox.

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:27 pm

what the heck does \b\ sig for those who excel in internet speak............

The first rule of /b/ is never talk about /b/
jk. It's from a certain site that gets censored if mentioned here.... A picture/meme based forum where chaos and disorder is the normal way of things.

The real modding community appreciates your work. Stay positive, and report any foul comment when you can.
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Quick Draw
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:47 pm

I doubt any of the cowards who write such utter crap have the courage to put their name. Your mod encompasses an immense amount of work for which many are grateful.

I appreciate your rational first post as well and the realization that many of us are not immature haters living in our mom's basemant (no offense to non-haters who live in their mom's basemant) ....

:) May you feel encouraged and, if someone does post their name on one of these hateful rants, let me know and I'll ... uh.... help you :)

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Marquis T
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:02 am

Internet Anonymity: Helping to promote the decline of mankind since 1991.

Honestly Hex, your work speaks for itself. Don't bother giving them the reaction they want. Also, a great way to respond to trolls is to offer them one of the free trial packs of Enzyte, Lord knows they need 'em :P
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cheryl wright
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:24 pm

I can certainly see why people are upset with you and this mod. I just installed it, following the instructions and made an OMOD from the archive. Upon loading my save, what do I get? A message calling me a fool and instantly killing me. Now, to me, if I install an OMOD, which is a self-installing script the author of the mod has written so the mod is installed properly, then it should work properly. You also shouldn't have scripted in an insult that kills the player. Adding unnecessary installation steps to a mod named unnecessary violence seems like you're taking the "unnecessary" thing a bit too far.

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Josee Leach
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:34 am

I can certainly see why people are upset with you and this mod. I just installed it, following the instructions and made an OMOD from the archive. Upon loading my save, what do I get? A message calling me a fool and instantly killing me. Now, to me, if I install an OMOD, which is a self-installing script the author of the mod has written so the mod is installed properly, then it should work properly. You also shouldn't have scripted in an insult that kills the player. Adding unnecessary installation steps to a mod named unnecessary violence seems like you're taking the "unnecessary" thing a bit too far.



As Hex_off has said, repeatedly btw, your PC only gets killed if you do not follow the instructions in the readme.
I do not use UV yet, as I am working on a mod that takes up all my time.
But just from reading this thread, I know that when I install UV, I will have to make an adjustment to the ini to prevent my PC from getting killed.
Did you change the ini as the readme says? I thought so.
Making an OMOD is one thing, manually changing the UV ini is another.
You simply did not follow instructions.

Hex_off, while I cannot speak from the experience of using your mods, I know from reading threads here and in the CS forum, you are an outstanding modder.
As many others have said, don't let narrowminded and spoiled children get to you. Those assinine (sp?) comments are only great fodder for ridicule.
Hang in there buddy! :foodndrink:
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m Gardner
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:04 am

Hey bud, you know how much I like UV, so there's not a lot for me to say but... well, this happens, I'm afraid. I've been here a long time (I often forget that), and unfortunately, this sort of thing is a mark of prominence.

There are things you can do to reduce the amount of bile, but really... the bile-spewers aren't worth it. For any value of it.
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how solid
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:24 am

I had a similar experience on the weekend, i.e. unprovoked vitriol. I responded aggressively which I later felt uncomfortable with (although it felt good at the time). Today I randomly read a quote in a book called Shift, which made me really re-think what I did.

"Any person capable of angering you becomes your master; he can anger you only when you permit yourself to be disturbed by him." Epictetus

Hex, I'm not suggesting you're angry, but don't be disturbed by them.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:17 pm

Wow, haven't seen such vicious undeserved attacks for ages. Hex, I've seen modders go bonkers for 1% of what you've been sent... baad...

If you decided to do something for me (mod-user but not a modder),
I would try to figure out how it works for best results and be grateful for all your efforts
even when the result does not match the intentions.

Unfortunately this hapless real world is full of real prehistoric brainless apes with computers and minimum literacy and maximum ego.
Best to ignore them otherwise they get what they want most - attention. Punishment by ignoring them works best IMO.
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Alex [AK]
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:50 pm

The thing that strikes me most about this is the actual name of the mod itself.

Maybe they thought it appropriate.

joke of course but I've heard it said that like attracts like.

can't remember where but it was written on emerald.
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Jerry Cox
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:44 pm

In a world of fast food, drive ins, instant coffee, 50 TV channels and games that require only a 2 digit IQ to play have spawned a group of arrigant a holes that think they are so awesome that they dont need instructions and if something goes wrong it is the creators fault, not thiers....i hate them.

Hex_off, I hope you arent discourged by these people, your mods really are amazing! While I never have had to suffer comments like this, I do know what it is like to have your work told is crap by somebody who knows nothing about what you had to do.
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Mandy Muir
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:01 pm

Personally I think the readme incentive is awesome, well done Hex! :clap:

*Goes back to answering emails from people who couldn't quite make it through the half a page readme.*
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Rachell Katherine
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:11 am

HeX Off
Really I'd just like to know if i'm the only one who has to read this kind of thing? Is it considered acceptable? I'm really not sure how long I'll be putting up with it. I'm relatively thisck skinned, and I've taken it since release day in june. Point is though, I can see why people decide to leave the community and take their marbles with them. I don't enjoy being threatened.

Hmm, wonder if they're the same sick b******s who show up to townhall meetings yelling at invalids in wheelchairs..... :nuts:

I'm so sorry you've been treated badly, HeX Off. Modders work hard sharing freely what they make with the community but as the old saying goes, "You don't know what you got till it's gone". If you've been around here long enough you've seen modders leave because of bad treatment. :nothanks:
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Robyn Lena
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:42 pm

Sometimes I think that there should be a site that collects flames, and lists the total number of the same people that send them. That way we can see just how often it's the same 100 people or so writing the flames, and people can read through when bored and laugh their asses off at how pathetic the flamers are. And after all, this gets them attention, so everyone gets what they want!

Seriously, don't let it bother you. I don't use UV, but anyone who realizes the volume of what it does should have read the readme just so they know what all is added. Although I wonder if it's possible to make swords that look like giant RTFM's that do 2000 damage per blow, are wielded by giant wood elves with 1000 speed which respawn continuously, instead of simply killing off the idiots.....
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:17 pm

I can't believe you get messages like that... In no way is it acceptable, nor is it tolerated by any moderator that comes across it. That is really unbelievable. I use UV, I adore it- I'm amazed by people's stupidity at not being able to make it work. I'm also slightly amused by the thought of them loading up Oblivion time after time, being killed, and not understanding why and yet still refusing to check the readme. Why is it, the more you push someone, the more stubborn they get?

I'm really sorry you've had to endure this nonsense. I'll certainly contact you if RC2 is a 'request only', but I think it's a terrible shame. Someone should make a youtube video on how to set it up, then maybe disable ratings and comments on the Nexus page, and don't share your email. It's a shame people can't be trusted, but that's outrageous.
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Chloe Mayo
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:09 pm

I can certainly see why people are upset with you and this mod. I just installed it, following the instructions and made an OMOD from the archive. Upon loading my save, what do I get? A message calling me a fool and instantly killing me. Now, to me, if I install an OMOD, which is a self-installing script the author of the mod has written so the mod is installed properly, then it should work properly. You also shouldn't have scripted in an insult that kills the player. Adding unnecessary installation steps to a mod named unnecessary violence seems like you're taking the "unnecessary" thing a bit too far.


read my previous posts:
This is the way I see it: I have just spent over 200 hours to create a modification in my OWN time (I could have also just watched TV), for YOUR enjoyment and can not even be bothered to read the readme? Excuse me? Listen pal, if I wanted to spent another 200 hours answering questions already explained in the readme just so I don't have to deal with them, then I wouldn't have included it in the first place. Unfortunately you seem to be under the impression that your time is more valuable than mine, if so, you are gravely mistaken, seeing as to me, it isn't. If you don't want to put in the tiniest bit of effort, reading the readme, than YOU do not deserve to play this modification. Despite your human nature, lazyness is not an excuse. If you're not happy with it, delete the mod and all its contents and shut your mouth.
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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:26 pm

I can certainly see why people are upset with you and this mod. I just installed it, following the instructions and made an OMOD from the archive. Upon loading my save, what do I get? A message calling me a fool and instantly killing me. Now, to me, if I install an OMOD, which is a self-installing script the author of the mod has written so the mod is installed properly, then it should work properly. You also shouldn't have scripted in an insult that kills the player. Adding unnecessary installation steps to a mod named unnecessary violence seems like you're taking the "unnecessary" thing a bit too far.


Please stick to installing OMODS than and don't use anything that goes over your head if you get that upset about it.

The people that do get upset, fail to laugh at their own foolishness. Which in turn makes them even more foolish. The same thing will probably happen to them a few times in a row, slamming ferosiously on their keyboards with moisty eyes, a snotty nose and veigns bulging on their foreheads, shouting obscene words to nobody in particular.

The readme isn't there just for eyecandy, it's there to make sure you don't screw up your game. Maybe Hex shouldn't have made the killing script at all and just let people blow their game in tiny bits and pieces: now that would be a good excuse to get angry over!

I believe Trademark hit it spot on BTW.

Another tip for Hex: don't make your email public to everyone. I find emails much more personal than a forum comment.
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Eilidh Brian
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:16 pm

Hex, please don't be offended by these comments too much. These are people that aren't blessed with a brain. I love your mod, and seeing the downloads on the Nexus, a whole lot more people love the mod. Don't give any attention to these few braindead muppets.
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TRIsha FEnnesse
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:36 pm

I can certainly see why people are upset with you and this mod. I just installed it, following the instructions and made an OMOD from the archive. Upon loading my save, what do I get? A message calling me a fool and instantly killing me. Now, to me, if I install an OMOD, which is a self-installing script the author of the mod has written so the mod is installed properly, then it should work properly. You also shouldn't have scripted in an insult that kills the player. Adding unnecessary installation steps to a mod named unnecessary violence seems like you're taking the "unnecessary" thing a bit too far.


Well, you have obviously not followed the instructions. If you would have - the char wouldn't have been killed. Also, you have obviously not even browsed through this thread before posting as the ihavereadtheinstructions=1 "issue" has been mentioned over and over again in it. I haven't tried the mod yet or read the instructions but even I knew this just by reading through this thread.
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Courtney Foren
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:24 pm

Cmon just ignore these bloody fool :angel: !
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Lizbeth Ruiz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:06 pm

Of course people are getting anfry if you purposely kill their chars and they have to spend some time to troubleshoot. You are making them angry with such a "feature". ;)
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Katey Meyer
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:37 pm

I doubt I'll say anything that hasn't been said in here but I might as well add my voice to the choir in any case.

Again, HeX, you've wasted (or used up) plenty of time to make UV the powerful moddification it is, and I'm sure we're not just talking about a Sunday afternoon with nothing else to do, but hours upon hours of brain-crunching and tedious work. I'm sure plenty of times throughout your journey you thought to yourself: Maybe I should just actually play Oblivion rather than make this mod, or something along those lines. Yet you decided you would continue working on your dream addition to the combat system and pressed on, knowing that each second you used up doing something for the mod was one less you would need to actually finish it.

The ones who blatantly complained didn't go through what you went through, they probably didn't even spend a thousandth of the time you did looking for bugs, and yet they have the nerve to come to you, complaining on how difficult your mod is to install due to having to read the readme and changing a little .ini setting? How can anyone even take them seriously at this point?

An that's another thing; do these people not even have the adequate amount of brain cells necessary to realize writing a long readme takes longer than reading it? I don't care how low your reading level is, or how high anyone's WPM are, this will most likely always be true. HeX, you didn't just magically snap your fingers and poof! Here's the readme! You had to write all of it down, and since yours is pretty long it must've taken you longer than usual. And yet again, here they are complaining. I don't know if it's just me, but I always read a new mod's readme first thing after unzipping the files somewhere, not just because it'll give me invaluable information in how the mod works, load order, incompatibilities, etc., but also because it is another fruit of a modder's labor and should be valued as such.

For the small time I had your mod installed, I didn't mind reading the readme; I've read longer, and much more boring prose elsewhere, so the people complaining simply consider their time to be more valuable than yours, which is a mistake in their part. As for your mod's you really think I need to say anything else? There's just really nothing else to say about it.

Long story short: You're one hell of a modder HeX, don't ever forget that or let anyone tell you otherwise.
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Kara Payne
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:31 pm

Of course people are getting anfry if you purposely kill their chars and they have to spend some time to troubleshoot. You are making them angry with such a "feature". wink.gif

Would it be better for them to screw up their game so bad it requires re-install?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:44 pm

Of course people are getting anfry if you purposely kill their chars and they have to spend some time to troubleshoot. You are making them angry with such a "feature". ;)

Of course they should get angry at themselves for being a lazy bum. ;)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:30 am

I've released 4 small mods in the past, 2 of them rather buggy, and have never received that sort of crap from people.

And [censored][censored][/censored] YOU for the "ihavereadtheinstructions=1" in the .ini file.

I have not personally used your mod, but from what I can understand from the 3 flame comments you posted, the rage is all directed at that ini command you must enable. I for one only skim exceptionally large readmes, something like that I might easily overlook, and should it kill my character in game, I'd be more than a little bit peeved. No given I wouldn't approach that by sending hatemail to you, I'd probably just fix the problem, but all the same its worth realizing that nincompoops on the internet will play your mod, and they will overreact in such a fashion.

I would try releasing an update of the mod minus that ini command and see what people do.
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Emma-Jane Merrin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:13 am

Personally I think the readme incentive is awesome, well done Hex! :clap:

*Goes back to answering emails from people who couldn't quite make it through the half a page readme.*

One thing I have learned in the past three months playing is that I have to read and then re-read every readme I can get my hands on before asking stupid questions. I find that most of my answers are there or in this great forum. Heck, I do not use the UV mod but I still read the readme and know what to do to the .INI file to make it work. :)
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Mark Hepworth
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