Mmm. Tasty bile in my inbox.

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:46 pm

@Reneer, I agree, I don't read most manuals either, but the example I was pointing out was that for more complicated programs or things, you DO read it, because you NEED to... because you won't have any idea what you're doing if you don't. Perhaps UV is somewhere in between, but at least the startle of getting a message and seeing your character dying should be enough reason for you to at least skim it over since it is a rather large mod and you need to know what you're doing to even start utilizing it.

Also, you say you don't mod for yourself... yet you do. You do it because it brings you joy to overcome challenges and makes you happy to see others enjoying them. I'm not saying you should stop because you don't play Oblivion, but you do still mod for your own enjoyment and satisfaction.
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Shae Munro
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:31 am

That svcks man, no one who volunteers their time should have to put up with crap like that. Just remember that the majority of us are either grateful or at least indifferent enough NOT to leave nasty messages like those. Ignore them the best you can.
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Siobhan Thompson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:49 pm

I'm sure there's alot of people like me who love your mod but never post anything about it, I lurk alot more than I post lol, svcks you have to deal with people like that :(
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Reven Lord
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:36 am

@Reneer, I agree, I don't read most manuals either, but the example I was pointing out was that for more complicated programs or things, you DO read it, because you NEED to... because you won't have any idea what you're doing if you don't. Perhaps UV is somewhere in between, but at least the startle of getting a message and seeing your character dying should be enough reason for you to at least skim it over since it is a rather large mod and you need to know what you're doing to even start utilizing it.
Quite true. It is certainly an effective measure, though it also seems to breed contempt.

Also, you say you don't mod for yourself... yet you do. You do it because it brings you joy to overcome challenges and makes you happy to see others enjoying them. I'm not saying you should stop because you don't play Oblivion, but you do still mod for your own enjoyment and satisfaction.
What I meant was that I don't mod to "fix" my own game and then release the mod as a secondary thing. Many of my mods are actually requests (or challenges, particularly my Sailing Mod and my Dialog Mod) versus things I thought should be done / fixed for my own personal enjoyment. I certainly "mod for myself" in the sense that doing so brings me joy and seeing others enjoy my mods.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:39 am

Quite true. It is certainly an effective measure, though it also seems to breed contempt.

Yeah apparently, haha. It's definitely original... I'm defending it because it happened to me, but it made me laugh. I would have never thought it was so objectionable to some...

What I meant was that I don't mod to "fix" my own game and then release the mod as a secondary thing. Many of my mods are actually requests (or challenges, particularly my Sailing Mod and my Dialog Mod) versus things I thought should be done / fixed for my own personal enjoyment. I certainly "mod for myself" in the sense that doing so brings me joy and seeing others enjoy my mods.

Yeah, I think your post to that was more directed at somebody else. For whatever reason someone mods, there are many that are extremely grateful. Unfortunately as shown in this thread, it's the ridiculous and vocal ones that get noticed.

I really do enjoy your Guard overhaul, it's one of my favorites :tops:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:17 pm

I'm sort of on the fence about implications but in Return to the Underdark I did put in a "feature" where if you refused her a third time she ups and leaves and that's the end of the quest and the player is stuck in the Underdark. I remember someone complaining about it. Well, in her previous mod you did romance her and it wasn't an option. Hello? McFly?
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Dalley hussain
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:04 pm

So you would condone a mod maker making a mod that required you to put in a 5 page algebraic equation to get it working?

As I said, IF the modder wants people to play his mod, he has to make it simple. You seem to forget that mod makers usually make mods for other people and their own enjoyment. Hex-off has tried to do that I think.

Yes, if I wanted to use a mod, I would go through the requisite steps to use said mod. Quite simple really.

The modder is sharing his/her/their work with you, on their own accord, and with no expectations of any returns. There is no (monetary) incentive for releasing mods, or for getting the maximum number of people on the mod. The mod maker doesn't have to do anything--most keep it simple to cut down on the customander remarks and complaints, but no where is it a requirement. Mod makers, primarily, make mods for themselves or to correct something that they see as wrong/needing improvement. It's not a commercial venture, and while I have seen several modders who appreciate getting user praise, I'm hard pressed to find an actual modder who solely mods for other people.
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GEo LIme
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:05 pm

Okay, I felt I needed to try and lighten spirits on this thread. Internet phenomena is NoT to be taken seriously. Shrug it off, folks!

check these out for a laugh...but tread carefully because some contain foul language not permitted on this forum. Just for notice, foul language ones have a *.***

hope that provides you with some laughs. :D

The Internets may be SERIOUS BUSINESS, but never take anyone too seriously...It simply isn't worth your time.
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Josephine Gowing
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:43 pm



Love That One!!! :rofl:
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Jeff Turner
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:38 pm

Here are some recent public comments I've had on UV. Am I the only one who has to put up with this kind of abuse, or do others get it?...

whoa, hex!
i didn't read all pages of the thread,
i have nothing to contribute and only have this to say: oh maaan, that totally svcks!

and i agree to the sentiments of the first few comments that i read:
1. they don't represent the community
2. they may be doing so simply because they can do so (i.e. no reprecussions for being cruelly mischievous)
3. ignore them and know that others value your contributions

thanks for all your work, hex!
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Rachel Cafferty
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:30 am

I have noticed a thing about those that do nothing but criticize the mods. Most never submit mods they are for lack of a better word Leaches. I would read only the first few words of comments then if it is not constructive criticism then ignore it don't let it eat you alive that is the way to a quick death the hard and painful way. The other thing is YOU can never ever please everyone so just please yourself and those you respect and like.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:24 am

Hex, [censored] those guys, seriously. We love ya man, keep up the great work. Send me a PM if you find out where your mail spammer lives, he just won $1000 cash, and I need to get in contact with him face to face...
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:52 pm
This one is my favorite! :lol:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:17 pm

It's absolutely disgusting the way some people behave.

I guess you just have to do the best that you can to not let them get to you. Try just taking days off modding/support in general.

(PS, there's some news in your inbox, and I don't believe it's bile)
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Brooks Hardison
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:33 am

Normally I'm one to defend modders to the bitter end. While I don't disagree with the overall idea of an in-game system to check to make sure if the mod user has taken the time to read the ReadMe (RGO takes several steps to configure itself and makes internal checks whenever the mod is installed or updated) the fact that UV's implementation punishes the mod user is unacceptable in my view. Automatically killing the player-character is keeping the mod user from simply playing the game with a disabled UV and fixing the INI file at their leisure. It's limiting user playability, plain and simple.

I see the point here, but I also understand a couple things. First off, Hex is not a professional game developer, and has no standard to adhere to. Secondly he doesn't owe ANYONE anything, nodda, ziltch, zero. I see why he did what he did with the ini switch with such a big, potentially game changing mod, and also a mod that has the potential to break a players game completely if the installer does not have some sort of clue WTF they are doing with the management of this mod. I myself created the netherlends and daggerford PW for NWN, which showcased a very hardcoe ruleset, and I'll tell you now, it does not matter how much info or warning you give to the masses, there are always the socially and mental turds out there that cannot comprehend [censored], so they get uber pissed for some reason, even though they are armed to the teeth with all kinds of information ahead of time. I cannot help it if some twill cannot read a simple set of directions or a warning.

The inability to read a file and glean info from it because you want to be a dual weilding Legolas ASAP, is the users fault, not Hex's. He states in the description that much as well. Plus the potential for other nasty backlash because someone didn't read installation proceedures and features cou;ld potentially be worse.

Like my post above, [censored] em Hex, keep on truckin' and do it YOUR way. What anyone else would or would not do with that switch is of no concern of yours. Anyone else whines about it, just send them a message politely back and tell them to stuff that ini switch up their ass...
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Josee Leach
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:43 am

Nope, I wouldn't blame ye for packing your bags, Hex. Nobody should have to deal with that [censored], but (having been on the receiving end in several different places) I'm beginning to think it's a universal constant.
Of course, the advice "ignore it" is all I can give, or you could just not release on nexus and keep it here, though that would limit the userbase too!

Of course, the moderation team here is a little overactive for my tastes, which is why I haven't been around much, but they certainly keep that stuff out. Just remember, they have significant issues with basic grammar, and seem to think reading a fairly short readme (comparatively, anyway) is worse than lifelong impotency.
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Lizbeth Ruiz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:24 pm

I wholeheartedly support you're work Hex. I actually found it pretty clever, the whole kill your character if you don't read the read-me thing... Please keep up the good work.

I tried UV for a while, but did find it too buggy, so I took it off... but would totally be willing to try any new versions you release. :)
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Penny Courture
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:14 pm

Well... the truth is, sometimes I'd rather eat a cockroach then to read some mod's readmes, but I know how important it is to actually learn how to install a complicated mod perfectly, so your game won't get messed up and you don't end up screaming all kind of crap at it's creator.
It's strange, really. I mean, when I created Weye TICS, it had it's bugs and fps hits and everything, and after new versions of the game and the CS was released there's been some missing meshes and stuff, and I got lots of more or less deserved critique for not doing enough about it, but never once have I received messages or comments so disgusting or even threatening.
Seriously, I always thought that anime was the worst thing that could have ever happened to Oblivion modding, but this just beats it, and I never thought that anything could ever beat the horror.
Be strong, Hex.
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Rhiannon Jones
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:58 pm

Frankly that's horsesh*t and I know how you feel.

This was the first comment I recieved on nexus after I released my mythic creature mod (took probalby 15-20 hours to complete, and I'm pretty efficient and texturing).

Nice job, but i won't use it anyways, with the right settings in my Nvidia graphic settings the normal textures are looking much better then your improved ones.

And that doesn't even compare to what you recieved. Kinda makes you realize why alienslof pulled all her mods for a time.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:54 pm

I think anger is older than the human race. It has more roots in animal parts of the brain needed to drive lots of energy but AFAIK anger can't exist easily with reason. Maybe the brain does revert to a different state that prevents reason from happeneing or maybe it's just easier to think with blame in mind because people can have so many other things bothering them.

It's very hard to tolerate small things if you've got lots of other small things grating on your nerves or just a few big ones. I think there are things that annoy most people with the same effects. I sometimes forget that being angry can be a worse state of mind than being called a doo-doo head by someone else.

I think blame can be learned and part of it isn't learned but automatic according to some psychologists. They claim some primates can demonstrate blaming when they are frustrated. I know at times I think terrible things but don't necessarily act on them and many times regret them. I doubt that people are angry at hex 0ff only because of some small ways he has his mod setup.

Please don't be discouraged. I like UV, it's a big accomplishment.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:35 pm

Hex, you're an inspiration to this aspiring programmer. I'm doing surprisingly well with my classes from knowing nothing about programming, I passed my prologic class so well that my professor asked me to help other students. This semester is looking to be the same. I'm going for game programming so the modding forums, and working with mods, learning the scripts, syntax of the script and other nitty gritty details helps. Where do you teach? maybe I'll head that way for if i get to bachelors or masters degree(which I don't see myself using, as I have no plans on going into graphics and sound for programming AI maybe...)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:11 pm

Eh people are jerks its a well known fact....

I get alot of stuff from people too since I cater to skimpy male clothing, but oddly enough I got a couple death threats from some people when I pointed out some flaws in a female body mod.
Such is life on the net.
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Joe Bonney
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:33 am

Whatever happened to the age old addage of, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all? If you don't like something(without good reason) don't use, look at or associate the self with. I personally love UV it added a lot to combat. Nothing is more amusing than head shotting a goblin, watching them run at you for like 2 seconds drop down like a sack of potatoes then slowly get back up and run. It's a very subtle thing but god it's amusing.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:07 am

Holy crap Hex_Off I can't believe people are PM'ing you with junk like that. I've been patrolling your comments on TESNexus for awhile so don't you worry about that. I got your back over there. If anyone tries crap like that there on the public comments, I'll rip their throats out....... err, well, report it to the moderators.....but I'll imagine that I'm tearing it out with my wolf fangs!! grrrr.

In all seriousness though. You have one of the best mods publish IMO. Bugs and glitches, I'd still actually rate it #1 myself, even above my own beloved mods. As others have said, just look at the enormous amounts of endorsemants you have vs. non-endorsemants. And also, I like what someone said earlier in the thread: take the crap comments and pm's as a compliment. That usually means you're doing something good.

You have more supporters than trashers that I can see.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:01 pm

Holy necro thread Batman! The last post before today was October last year folks. Pretty sure HeX has moved on. :)
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