QFT. That was sooooooo deeply gratifying to see, and perfectly displayed the actual situation (since the jerk was indeed a 10-year old kid)

It's easy to say "ignore them", and we all know it's not so easy to do in practice (especially when said user is so ... evil, for want of a better word, to make "credible" threats or insults that happen to hit home).
But honestly, my long-ago minted motto is well worth remembering here... "it's just a forum on the Internet". And that means a lot more than "it's not 'important' in the larger scheme of things". For one thing, any "user" who immediately resorts to insulting one on a forum on the Internet (or via email, which in this case is more or less the same thing) has, automatically, no credibility whatsoever. Because it's just a forum on the Internet. What does it mean to be insulted (even harshly, even "meaningfully") by a complete stranger, who you wouldn't know if you tripped over them in the street (or they you)? I'll tell you what it means.... absolutely nothing at all. If they managed to hit a nerve, it only means that they have 1) better speech skills than most, and/or 2) you have a soft spot that you might want to do something about, but that still amounts to 0.00001 of useful-to-you information (as opposed to absolutely nothing).
You also have to remember who these people likely are (generally).... if you look at the mod-using user-base (as opposed to the "community" such as what exists here), and you look at the kinds of mods that "fill out" the database on TESNexus, not to mention the comments so often heard over people coming over from the 360, it gives you pause when you think "what do these users hear/expect" when they read "This mod sets a new bar for oblivion's combat system"? I'm sure your take on things is deep, intricate and interesting. To users that are prepared for and desire that sort of thing, I'm sure it's a great blessing. I mean, 24 possible melee attacks? Come on, it's like money from the sky! But to a lot of users, most especially casual gamers, or those who have "grown up" on simple games where "a better combat system" does not mean the user has to think more about how to fight, but that the user gets bigger, more powerful weapons with which they can easily overwhelm any enemy, this kind of depth is "way too complicated" (not to put too fine a point on it), and the fact that one must read the readme (or die

Yes, it's annoying, and even disturbing. But your task is to not be drawn in and led by these children-- and they most likely are literally children, and otherwise people with such poor social skills that they might as well be (badly-raised) children. If you bow out, you are letting children run your life for you. And that.... well, we just can't have that, OK? You're an advlt; you're allowed to act like one

But you do what you want, not what they want. If they disrupt your enjoyment of your hobby, then protect yourself from stupid slings and arrows however you must, and do what you want (which is presumably to continue refining your mod, your labor of love).
;) Hang in there. We're with you, and we are legion