Mmm. Tasty bile in my inbox.

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:52 pm

When stupid people leave comments, you just have to move on and consider that they're making remarks just to incite a reaction. That and they have bad parenting as they're raised by the internet and TV, because their parents are too busy trying to live their lives rather than spending time parenting their child and teaching them the basic RULES of right and wrong. Don't mind it, seriously.
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Mandi Norton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:51 am

Nobody deserves slander for voluntarily sharing their hard work. You should make it clear to these people that modders do not exist to cater to the public - this is a hobby we enjoy and nobody is required to share anything with anyone. If it's gotten to the point where people expect quality releases free of charge (most likely without contributing to the mod scene at all) then there needs to be a change in culture here. This sort of thing doesn't really happen over on the Morrowind side of things anymore.
I'm in full support of the readme thing - it's stupid to use a large and complex mod without reading the important documentation, and even dumber to get "mad" about having to do it. Seriously.

Off topic sort of - your mod is awesome, and I love the concept. However, I don't think I can use it yet, for UV attacks bypass NPC blocking (at least it did for me; it has been awhile since I've read the readme) and it really unbalanced the Duke Patrick setup I have. Is there a fix for this or could you consider updating? Or is the problem just me and/or my mod setup?
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Jimmie Allen
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:34 pm

I will say, I dont believe disabling the comments section is the way to go though. I dont know how many mods I looked at, only to see "comments disabled". I never bothered with those mods, my first thought was "does this mod svck so bad that the author doesnt want people posting about it?".

You'll miss out on some great mods/modders that way as it's not that unusual. Westly comes to mind, for example (yes, I come from playing Morrowind for a while...). And I would certainly turn off comments on PES if I released a mod - 90% of the comments are moronic.
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Melly Angelic
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:53 pm

I think these people threatening you don't realize installing the mod is optional. They're also probably younger than 18, more likely around the ages of 6-8.

What mod is this about, btw? You just said "UV" which stands for...?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:34 pm

First from YouTube

This is your problem right here, honestly. Youtube is notorious for being infested with retarded trolls, most of them have probably never even played Oblivion. Ignore the youtards and focus on making mods, meanwhile TESNexus generally does a good job of keeping the nasty stuff in check.
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KIng James
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:34 pm

You have already gotten a lot of support, but I just want to add something. I'm not sure if this has already been said or not, (probably has) but:
If someone does not want your mod enough to read the readme, an then blames YOU for any bugs/incompatabilities, (or the genius ireadthereadme thing) then these are the people you don't WANT to play your mods. These are the people that don't really want your mod to work, and just want to find all the puny little flaws and yell at someone to make them feel better about themselves. The people that you DO want to play your mods: the people that want to play the mod so bad that they want it to work right off the start. They read the entire readme, and get patches and all. I am guilty of not reading the readme the first time. I fall into the second catigory: People who don't read the readme right away, but for innocent reasons, (I read your entire information section at TesNexus, and I thought this was enough) but as soon as they encounter a bug they turn to the readme to see what happened. I rely heavilly on readmes, and I believe the ONLY time you are EVER allowed to get slightly frustrated is when you download a mod that does not contain much info on the download site, and has a 1-2 sentence readme. Then I use google, and still don't curse at the author.

I also didn't notice any of these, and I think you diserve one:
(not in a gay sense please)
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Sunny Under
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:31 pm

I have never used UV or any of your other mods, HeX, but as a fellow modder I can certainly appreciate all the time and effort you have put into your mods. I have nothing but sympathy and empathy for you due to all the threats and hate-mail you have received. Having said that, however, I have to vehemently disagree with the tactic you have used to coerce your mod users into reading the UV ReadMe.

There are a multitude of other options you could have used to make sure the mod was either functioning properly, or used other ways to impress upon the mod user that reading the UV ReadMe was essential to the successful use of your mod. Simply disabling the mod in-game until the INI file had been changed would have certainly been the easiest way to do it. You could even set up a versioning system that could disable and enable the INI check if sufficient changes have been made to the mod that require a review of the ReadMe (so upon simple bug updates to the mod the user won't have to always remember to change the INI file every time). But killing the player while also being somewhat insulting about it (though I realize you have changed the wording recently) is still, in my view, over the top and very unnecessary. While none of this even remotely excuses the poor choices made by those people who threatened you, I can certainly understand why this particular bit of your mod would rankle some feathers (if I had ever encountered this feature, I probably would have just written a patch and been done with it :P).

Edit: And also, I thought a whole lot about putting in some "measures" for making sure people who use RGO read through the ReadMe more often, but in the end I figured that the mod was about as easy to install as possible without adding on any third-party utilities.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:07 am

That's some really harsh abuse. I can't say I've ever had anything that vicious and cruel hurled my way, but then I also only put my mods on sites where the moderators will do their duty, or where people are actually, you know, civilized? :)

Ignore them. They're the same spoiled idiots who have been actively destroying the MUD community for years.

While I don't use your mod, and it's not something I would personally prefer, it's definitely a work of genius. If people don't like it, they don't have to use it. Seems simple enough to me.
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Taylah Illies
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:08 am

I think these people threatening you don't realize installing the mod is optional. They're also probably younger than 18, more likely around the ages of 6-8.

What mod is this about, btw? You just said "UV" which stands for...?

Unnecessary Violence.
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Lance Vannortwick
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:08 pm

But killing the player while also being somewhat insulting about it (though I realize you have changed the wording recently) is still, in my view, over the top and very unnecessary. While none of this even remotely excuses the poor choices made by those people who threatened you, I can certainly understand why this particular bit of your mod would rankle some feathers (if I had ever encountered this feature, I probably would have just written a patch and been done with it :P).

Unnecessary, because it's unnecessary violence ;)
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Taylor Tifany
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:03 pm

I'm sorry you have to deal with that... but I'm never surprised by the stuff that comes out of peoples mouths (or keyboard) anymore, especially in the anonymous and free environment that is the internet.

I have found that forums where people have to pay even a very small fee to register to post are much less likely to have that kind of behavior and/or be filled with spam/garbage. I'd actually encourage all forum/service operators, even if they are free to read/download from, to require folks pay even just a $1/year subscription in order to be allowed to post/reply/comment. It greatly improves the signal to noise ratio by removing the weenies like those that are spamming you with that garbage.

For whatever it's worth I thought your .ini thing was sheer brilliance. This is a mod where you should read the read me. The dude who would rather cut off his junk then read it... well I'd just suggest that he go right ahead, and have a nice day :shrug:. And although I play in first person, I do not mind that it switches to 3rd person for UV moves (I do not use FFP, maybe I'll try it again later in B2 but I like the switch to 3rd person better at this point). So, basically what I'm getting at is for those people who complain about your stuff, there are those of us who don't mind at all. I am also looking forward to RC2.
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Jeff Turner
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:58 pm

Learn to laugh at the stupidity of mankind, before you become cynical and bitter ;P But really, go look on any Youtube video and you'll see the exact same kinds of comments on them as well.
"I know who you are because of how you act in a consequence-free environment." Kinda sums it up.
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Jay Baby
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:16 am

I'm meticulous about user support. I check my messages/forums everyday to ensure I can help anybody having difficulty, but sorting out the legitimate comments from the hate still requires me to read them all.

I'd take bg's suggestion and just block comments, but the truth is there are a lot of legitimate requests for help. UV's not the simplest of mods and some users need more hand holding than others.

I don't mind giving up my time to help people enjoy the mod.


That email must have been very bad is all that I can say. Not very often does it happen. But, there have been a few modders that have been hit with the same kind of stuff in the past. Just learn to ignore them, laugh at them, think of them has nothing but kids.

User support I know all to well about, Has I have seen my fair share of it with Just MMM, helping countless numbers of people..but, the key has been this.

It has only on been on this forum where I provide the support. people are much nicer and will defend your work has well. Plus we have the Moderators to take care of trolls, flamers, etc..

I do check tesnexus comments and help those that are in needed from time to time. More limited now has I find it much easier to just directing everyone here to this forum for various reasons.

I tried helping users on tesnexus and pes but find it is too hard to manage thread at mulipte locations and answering pm and email etc. When they can just come to one forum and find their answers that could have already been posted.

My Adivice Hex

Do you support for UV here only!!! On this forum, direct people here, if they do not want to come here for help then they do not need it. Only way you can weed out those that truly need your help or those that just want to annoy you..

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KU Fint
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:20 am

No, You are not the only one.
Welcome to the errornet my friend where any infantile moron with a keyboard can voice their opinion.

I have gotten such rot as "Your mod broke my game!", "The proportions are all wrong. If you do (such, and such) I would have thought of downloading it", and my favorite the constant stream of "I don't know how to mod. You need to make (insert some strange looking weapon or armor that no one but the requestie would use) for me".

I came to the point you're at over a year ago, and I will share what saved a hobby, some really nice people in the BSF I met, and game I love for me.

I made myself a promise.

1. Don't do ANY requests ever again.
2. Mod only what I personally want in the game, at my own pace, and upload it to share ONLY if I feel like it at the time.
3. Realize that only people who truly understand what it means to (successfully) mod a game will read the readme file.
4. Don't EVER feed the trolls. I know who I am so why listen to people (or answer their PMs or comments) who don't know me. [BTW the block user function is great :)]

Reading your post though it sounds like you may have put some things in you mod that REQUIRE one read the readme in order for it to even work.
Many mod users are lazy (hate to say it but I have to call them like I see them). If I only had a dime for every time someone asked me how to install one of my mods (which is of course detailed in the readthis file) or where to find the items (I include pictures of the locations in a file called 'Hints' that's right next to the readthis file ironically) I would be retired by now.

So......I say to you, "If you like to mod then mod the game but remember rule number 3 above, and either try to help those to lazy to actually read something or simply ignore or block them."

I stayed in the end because I love to mod. Building things is my passion, and this was a hobby that didn't cost me anything but my time which could bring hours of enjoyment to countless people around the world. I also could not abandon the many really cool friends I have made here because of a few morons.

In the end the decision is yours.
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:01 pm

I am in total agreement with the previous posters in this thread.
99.99% of these morons are stoopid kids who have grown up trolling the comment threads of internet sites like ebaums and you tube and get away with it because there is no way to track them down and put a boot in their ass Jay & Silent Bob style.
I trust in karma myself.
Sooner or later they piss off the wrong person and get their face mashed in.
Balance is regained.
You ARE very much appreciated here.
We love you, Ignore them as what they are...pathetic, lonely kids with an unwarranted grudge.


HeX, i'm sorry, but i won't let you waste the many hours you've put into this mod, or the many hours myself and others have put into beta-testing it.

these trolls are most likely anonymous /b/tards and morons, and are general not worth the pixels their words are printed on. that being said, if you let a bunch of scabs like them keep you from doing something you wanted to do, i will personally track you down and chain you to your desk.

much love.
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Beast Attire
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:03 am

Those kinds of threatening comments are simply disgusting. I am terribly sorry for any modder that has to put up that kind of childishness, and I will never understand it. Even when I was first starting out with modding, I was never so frustrated or hateful that I would even THINK of spreading that kind of vitrol to those men and women who were generous enough to share their hard work with the community. I believe most here can agree that those sorts of comments are a reflection on those making them, not on the modder. You have my full support HeX_Off, and I hope you don't allow sour your modding experiences too badly.
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Glu Glu
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:58 am


HeX, i'm sorry, but i won't let you waste the many hours you've put into this mod, or the many hours myself and others have put into beta-testing it.

these trolls are most likely anonymous /b/tards and morons, and are general not worth the pixels their words are printed on. that being said, if you let a bunch of scabs like them keep you from doing something you wanted to do, i will personally track you down and chain you to your desk.

much love.

/b/tards, eh? I don't think you can blame them for this, but rather any individual who lacks the intellectual capacity to read something. It all comes down to how much the mod user is willing to use the mod. Those who are unwilling will rant at the maker for whatever problems they pull out of their ass, yell, shout, scream, cry and generally be annoying (much like infants). Those who actively wish to use said mod will read the readme so they know what it does, look out for compatibility and not be an ass when asking questions.

Anonymity is the reason why so many people on the internet act like douchebags. /b/ may have come from that, but it isn't the reason why people harass HeX with their nubile issues. Rather, anonymity itself allows the speaker to say what they wish and not be reprimanded in any serious, bodily way. If I was to call out some Samoan dude's mother, then spit in his food, (in real life) he'd tear me a new nether region. On the internet, if I was to insult the same Samoan's mother, and then harass him on some forum (alternate way of spitting in his food), he wouldn't be able to do much damage to me at all, and I'd be perfectly able to pat myself on the back for being a dike.

Don't take them seriously, because if these people ARE anything like /b/er's or EDiot's or whatever spawn of the hellhole that is the internet, then they WANT you to react. They want you to get angry, because that's what they get their kicks off of. They like seeing you struggle, so don't struggle. You'll always have to deal with people like that on the internet.

Granted, I read the readme thoroughly, but did not disable the auto-kill feature, so when I started up the game for the first time using your mod, I was confronted with a rather insulting message. I got angry at that, though it quickly passed, so I can understand why some people would be pissed at that feature. Like someone stated before in this thread (but I can't remember who and I'm not gonna check), maybe the feature isn't the best idea, because it will make the idiotic internet sheep that don't read the readme get really mad at you.

You have a genius mod here, so like Crowe said, I'm perfectly willing to hire someone to track you down and chain you to your desk if you decide to stop working on this mod. So, please, keep working on it, and put your heart into it. Nobody wants you to lose faith in this mod.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:56 pm

what the heck does \b\ sig for those who excel in internet speak............
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Sheila Esmailka
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:17 am

I wish I was important enough to get Bile and Shiite in my inbox. Maybe in my next life...
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Silvia Gil
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:38 pm

I wish I was important enough to get Bile and Shiite in my inbox. Maybe in my next life...

Lol what a wish... Fame often looks better when you don't have it! :P
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Mariaa EM.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:15 pm

Lol what a wish... Fame often looks better when you don't have it! :P

They can keep fame as it mainly causes headaches.
Now fortune on the other hand.......................................:)
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Victoria Vasileva
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:43 pm

I had my life threatened when I ported Saerileth from BG2 to Oblivion.

I know how it is!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:22 am

Haven't played UV , but personally if I was you hex , I'd be honored as some of those comments in the opening post were quite comical :) I imgaine all modders have ther motivation for sticking with a project for any amount of time , lord know I have no such desire . That motivation , when weighed against the 2 secound potty mouth some modders receive is far greater . So remeber why you mod :) And appreciate those comment in a comedic work of art as they are written . I know being a musician/song writer , I take personal enjoyment when something I write angers someone hehe ... Maybe I'm just a masichist
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Brittany Abner
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:59 pm

@ O.P.

you have 392 endorsemants on the Nexus and U.V. is in the top 20 (currently @15) What seems to be the problem?

Your work speaks for itself.

Now you have to keep working, keep modding, brave the demons of the "blank page" all the while juggling whatever else it is you do (be it work, full-time studies or a combination of both).

Methinks hate mail is the least of your worries, no? You don't need us to pat you on the back. You do this not because this or that guy likes the result. Not because you like doing it. You do it because you must, because you are compelled, because you'll go crazy if you don't.

In other words: if this is just a little hobby on the side, the hate mail is unimportant. And if modding is your *passion* then the hate mail can never stop you, can it?


Now go mod some more!

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Jesus Lopez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:30 pm

Wow it's hard to imagine people could be so nasty about a free service you did them (realistically that's how i see what modders do). I suppose i'll just echo what everyone else has said up untill this point with most people who say such things are trolling for responses, deserve to be ignored, and don't contribute anything to anyone by saying what they say. It is of course always your decision as to whether or not you'd want to withdraw your work and quit the game, but as others have said your work has been silently appreciated alot. It's just a shame the negative comments are always so loud as to appear and drown out the positive ones.
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