HeX, i'm sorry, but i won't let you waste the many hours you've put into this mod, or the many hours myself and others have put into beta-testing it.
these trolls are most likely anonymous /b/tards and morons, and are general not worth the pixels their words are printed on. that being said, if you let a bunch of scabs like them keep you from doing something you wanted to do, i will personally track you down and chain you to your desk.
much love.
/b/tards, eh? I don't think you can blame them for this, but rather any individual who lacks the intellectual capacity to read something. It all comes down to how much the mod user is willing to use the mod. Those who are unwilling will rant at the maker for whatever problems they pull out of their ass, yell, shout, scream, cry and generally be annoying (much like infants). Those who actively wish to use said mod will read the readme so they know what it does, look out for compatibility and not be an ass when asking questions.
Anonymity is the reason why so many people on the internet act like douchebags. /b/ may have come from that, but it isn't the reason why people harass HeX with their nubile issues. Rather, anonymity itself allows the speaker to say what they wish and not be reprimanded in any serious, bodily way. If I was to call out some Samoan dude's mother, then spit in his food, (in real life) he'd tear me a new nether region. On the internet, if I was to insult the same Samoan's mother, and then harass him on some forum (alternate way of spitting in his food), he wouldn't be able to do much damage to me at all, and I'd be perfectly able to pat myself on the back for being a dike.
Don't take them seriously, because if these people ARE anything like /b/er's or EDiot's or whatever spawn of the hellhole that is the internet, then they WANT you to react. They want you to get angry, because that's what they get their kicks off of. They like seeing you struggle, so don't struggle. You'll always have to deal with people like that on the internet.
Granted, I read the readme thoroughly, but did not disable the auto-kill feature, so when I started up the game for the first time using your mod, I was confronted with a rather insulting message. I got angry at that, though it quickly passed, so I can understand why some people would be pissed at that feature. Like someone stated before in this thread (but I can't remember who and I'm not gonna check), maybe the feature isn't the best idea, because it will make the idiotic internet sheep that don't read the readme get really mad at you.
You have a genius mod here, so like Crowe said, I'm perfectly willing to hire someone to track you down and chain you to your desk if you decide to stop working on this mod. So, please, keep working on it, and put your heart into it. Nobody wants you to lose faith in this mod.