Mmm. Tasty bile in my inbox.

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:16 pm

Here are some recent public comments I've had on UV. Am I the only one who has to put up with this kind of abuse, or do others get it?

First from YouTube (and this is a sample - I get a lot like this):

Your mod is garbage. I play in first person but it seems like the only thing you've catered to are retards like yourself who play almost exclusively in third person. I hope you get brain damage.

This mod is garbage. You wasted your time.

And [censored][censored][/censored] YOU for the "ihavereadtheinstructions=1" in the .ini file.

You pompous [censored] dork. If I knew where you lived i'd break your fingers so badly youd never access a computer again.

and from on nexus:

I think i'd rather cut my testicles off than read that entire readme. Thanks for not making the "DO THIS OR UV WILL KILL YOUR CHARACTER" instruction inside the paragraph where you warn us. Thanks also for not telling us what section it was in. Thats great that you spent a long time making the mod, but expecting me to read that gigantic bloated rtf file just to get a few scraps of important information completely killed any desire i had to play your mod.

There was another recently on nexus (which has thankfully been removed) that accused me of perpetrating a hoax, releasing a mod that 'did nothing' and threatening to 'cut my face' if I was ever seen in public. Ironically it also suggested I should go to school to learn how to program (ironic because I teach programming to masters students at university).

This is just in the last two days. I'm not bothering to copy all the hundreds of similar older ones, or any of the hate and threats I get by PM and email (one of which required me to call the police). Nor have I included anything posted on sites other than where I personally upload the content (youtube/nexus) but having once made the mistake of googling my mod, I'm aware of the amount of bile directed at UV elsewhere on the internet...

Really I'd just like to know if i'm the only one who has to read this kind of thing? Is it considered acceptable? I'm really not sure how long I'll be putting up with it. I'm relatively thisck skinned, and I've taken it since release day in june. Point is though, I can see why people decide to leave the community and take their marbles with them. I don't enjoy being threatened.

I'm giving it a month maybe two, which is when I expect to see UV RC2 released. If things haven't settled down by then UV RC2 will be by request only and RC1 will be pulled from public availability.

If I'm honest I'm probably just feeling annoyed this morning and would like to hear a friendly word or two. The community on this site has generally been very supportive of me and my work. I just can't help feeling like I'm wasting my time working on the thing.

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Lalla Vu
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:32 pm

OMG!!! You really have to put up with this??? Wow! I LOVE your mod dude, and allong with deadly reflex = Awesome oblivion combat!!! I love chucking knives at people, switching my weapons to offhands, and all the attack moves!!! Personally I thought the Ireadtheinstructions thing was genius!!! Got me like ten times, but it actually WORKS!!!!!!! :foodndrink:
Never give up modding or let these guys get to you. There just [censored] who have no idea how hard and timeconsuming it it to make a mod. They have no appreciation of modders. I bet half of them don't even own obliivon and are just saying stuff to you cause the think others are and want to be "cool." Never let them get to you! Just :prod: them!!!!

Edit: Report them all to the Tesnexus staff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And just mark as spam on youtube.

Edit2: I will definately request UV 2, and would hate to see this happen to you and your great mod, of all people.
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Jennifer May
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:31 pm

Internet is a great place for morons, idiots, people with low self-esteem, loads of anger and no social skills. It's the place for all the weirdos to come out trolling, bullying and being jerks in general, because the worst consequence they can get is being banned from a site. I know it's easy to say, but rest assured that comments like that doesn't just "say more about them than you" - they say EVERYTHING about them and nothing about you. It's just examples of jerks on the internet, something you will find everywhere.
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Darian Ennels
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:43 am

:grad: those who posted such comments are not only [censored]s but completely ignorant...don't even think about 'em. Everyone here absolutely adores your work! :foodndrink:

when ever you see an attack rather than a critique, just forget it. I have a feeling that those who posted sucj things are illiterate, spoiled 12-16 year olds, and really have no opinion.

I just can't help feeling like I'm wasting my time working on the thing

[censored] that man, i greatly appreciate all the things you've managed to accomplish :goodjob:

keep up the fantabulous work!!! :bowdown:
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Nicole Elocin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:42 pm

Hey, man. Don't worry about nasty comments. I bet you 3/4 of them are 12 year olds who have just learned a new swear word, and can barely understand the 'big' words in your readme. The others are people who don't realise how hard it is to program, and think mods and big production games are delivered to them from Santa and get angry when it slightly breaks or requires reading.

In my experience with modding Fallout 3, I haven't encoutered any [censored] like that, but back when I use to code from scratch, and finally make a game ready for testing (it was back when 2d icons were awesome), then I would host it publicially. A random would login, make someone, name him "lol ssj11203 vegeta+goku x10" and the first thing he'd say "wtf the icons suk fuk this" and logout. Others would abuse a testing function, accuse me of stealing their code or downright insult me on a personal level. After a while of this, I decided to quit programming for that site, and move onto bigger things. But it was a lot of fun, and don't let others ruin it for you (like they did for me).

Just remember, you can -never- make everyone happy. Anyone who irrationally comments on your creation negatively AND RUDELY should be ignored and recieve a kick in the balls. Or you could throw in a witty insult and walk away. I use to write one word which is really hard to make a comeback for "[censored]" when used at the right time is great. :P

Don't give up,

Edit: Wow, didn't even think it was a swearword. Well, "No." works just as well.
"...... :("
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Dean Brown
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:56 am

bg's guidelines to keep a few last bits of sanity:

1. Disallow comments whenever possible.
2. Do not annoy users more than necessary. Expect the average user to be a childish person with little to no patience.
2a. Corollary of the above, keep installing things as simple as possible.
3. Accept that 5% of mod users are "human garbage".
3a. Corollary of the above, make fun of "human garbage" in your mod. Just to release stress.
3b. Another corollary, don't overestimate the percentage of "human garbage". They're very loud and annoying, but very far from being the majority.
3c. In other communities though the percentage may be higher. When in doubt, retreat to the gamesasforums and other renown forums exclusively.
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phil walsh
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:41 pm

Wow finally sombody realised how moron sick your mod is...
Just kidding ;)

I haven't played your mod but i believe that i most cases, the more popular your mod is the more of these comments you will get. So take it as a compliment :P
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:21 pm

Hey, don't let it spoil it for you, this community has a lot of decent people around, and many have been around for some time, you will always get a***** here or anywhere else, but they're just a noisy minority.
I'm not familiar wity your work but if you're modding and enjoying it then carry on.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:40 am

There's another really easy solution: make and release mods that no-one has any interest in. Then you don't recieve any feedback at all, good or bad. :biglaugh: How about that?

Other than that, sorry to hear about it, I do sympathise, but it's one of those things about the internet. Just be glad that the moderators do a stand-up job of not letting these forums devolve into this. Thankyou moderators!

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Timara White
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:02 pm

I'm giving it a month maybe two, which is when I expect to see UV RC2 released. If things haven't settled down by then UV RC2 will be by request only and RC1 will be pulled from public availability.

Wow, you have more patience then I do. With comments threatening my life I would have gone AWOL long ago.

But honestly when it gets tough for me I retreat to the sanity and pleasantness of my own community. I am not here for abuse, I am here to have fun. I had an incident where half of this forum's community was up in arms against me and the comments and pms were very similiar to those you got. I retreated to my own community, pulled my mods and only pulled my head up again when it seemed safe to do so. Now all my mods are hosted on my own site and I don't have to deal with abuse.

That whole incident really upset me and if it wasn't for the support of my own community and some others here I would have been long gone. But there are nice people out there and their appreciation and gratitude means more then some little 'censoreds' pathetic words. So I would get the staff to remove those comments and maybe put a note in your description, 'Abuse will not be tolerated. If you post an abusive comment you will be immediately reported to the staff.'
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Emmi Coolahan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:40 pm

Personally I'm waiting for the release of UV and I consider it as an important thing.
For all modders thank very much for bringing Oblivion alive and improving it with yours contributions. If I always wished to do something for this community if I had some skill in scripting.
For TESNexus I'm not sure if "disabling comments" or "disabling rating" is a good idea. It maybe viewed as a lack of communication. Just accept some "garbage" comments from "garbage users", they always exist with some percentage.
I remarked that at TESNexus "good works" always get good recognition from the large TES4 community, especially I think the moderators of that site do a good job.
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Alexandra Ryan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:08 pm

some people are true idiots who would sned that crap for about such a nice mod :)
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m Gardner
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:58 pm

Well, it seems that most of the things I want to say have already been said here, so I'll just sum them up in short:

1. Your mod promises a lot. It therefore attracts the interest of a lot of people, among whom there is inevitably a certain amount of [INSERT SWEARWORD OF CHOICE HERE]s.

2. Said [SWEARWORD]s believe they have the divine right to download, unzip and immediatly play any mod they want. They also believe that reading is an extremely exhausting task that should only be undertaken by trained professionals. All of this is obiously utter [BOVINE EXCREMENT], but try telling them that.

3. Therefore, these [SWEARWORD]s will start talking [EXCREMENT] about anyone who denies them this "right" or forces them to "work" for it. I am, of course, in no position to tell you what to do, but my advice is to ignore them and to delete their comments whenever possible. I am sure that the large, silent majority of the community appreciates the great effort you have put into your mod.

There is, however, one that that has not been mentioned yet: you try to force people to read the readme of your mod, a concept I have only seen in one other mod so far.
(That mod was one of the old, german-only versions of Lazarus' Oblivion Warcry. It was released as a .rar archive, which contained the readme and another .rar archive. The second archive was password-protected and the password was hidden in several parts across the readme.)
All this may sound like a good idea in theory, but I think it doesn't really work at all. Why? Well, because the people who have to be forced to read the readme are those who don't want to do anything for the mod, so they'll either delete the mod and forget about it or try to access it without reading the readme. (The password for the Oblivion Warcry archive was all over the community within an hour). Neither of these reactions is really what you wanted, and both of them will propably be followed by more of the "tasty bile" that is the reason for this thread.
I think you should therefore leave out that particular part of your mod, even if you have to put up with a couple more "RTFM"-worthy questions on the forums.

Whew, I think this by far the longest post I've written on here. Anyway, I hope that the community won't lose another great modder because of these morons, and I'm greatly looking forward to the RC2.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:21 pm

I just think they're being jealous. And if they are unable/don't want to read your readme I see no reason why they should deserve to play with your mod. I don't see why they should say such bad things about this mod, it is a fantastic piece of work which did things no one thought would ever be possible for Oblivion. While I do get the odd crash or bug with UV I see no reason for people to be so hostile, especially if it's threatening enough for enough for you to have to phone the police.

I could probably go off on a tangent about how much less stuff like this would be on the internet if the anonymity was stripped, or at least lessened. But I'm pretty sure just about everyone gets it now.

Good luck with everything though. Modding and Real Life related. I'll definitely be on the request list for RC2 if you go that path.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:24 am


Hex Off, I've never had to deal with such comments that rude. But I'd say: [censored] 'em. Seriously, these people do not even deserve the tiniest bit of your time. Delete the PM and put 'em on the ignore list. Spoiled little brats who don't appreciate the work you put into a mod simply don't deserve it.

Don't let these bastards bring you down Hex Off.

I think you should therefore leave out that particular part of your mod, even if you have to put up with a couple more "RTFM"-worthy questions on the forums.

Although the idea of a script killing the player when he/she has not read the readme might not be the best idea, it can be very VERY annoying to deal with questions already answered in the readme especially with a complex mod such as UV.

This is the way I see it: I have just spent over 200 hours to create a modification in my OWN time (I could have also just watched TV), for YOUR enjoyment and can not even be bothered to read the readme? Excuse me? Listen pal, if I wanted to spent another 200 hours answering questions already explained in the readme just so I don't have to deal with them, then I wouldn't have included it in the first place. Unfortunately you seem to be under the impression that your time is more valuable than mine, if so, you are gravely mistaken, seeing as to me, it isn't. If you don't want to put in the tiniest bit of effort, reading the readme, than YOU do not deserve to play this modification. Despite your human nature, lazyness is not an excuse. If you're not happy with it, delete the mod and all its contents and shut your mouth.

EDIT: Formulated the last bit a bit better.
EDIT2: I think I'm going to use this as my mod disclaimer...
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dean Cutler
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:07 pm

I love you`re work Hex Off :wub:
The Oblivion community can't afford losing one of it`s top scripters :nope:
Really looking forward to UV RC2 release.

To does who posted such comments:

:poke: :swear: :gun: :obliviongate:
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sexy zara
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:22 pm

These people are not "the community", nor to they represent it. They're internet gangsters: talking like a though gangster while staying anonimous behind a convinient smokescreen called Tha Intanetz, while in real life people would laugh at them in their face when talking like that. They are not worth your thoughts or time.

I actually laughed my pants of when I deliberatelly didn't read the readme and change the ini to see what would happen! I'm looking forward to the next version of UV!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:24 pm

a few words (censored) those (censored) (censored) ppl who think they can (censored) every1 coz theyre to lazy to RTFM
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:29 am

Wow, sounds like you've got it bad. I've never had to deal with stuff like that (though that may be because of the stuff I work on having lower profiles).

Just ignore those comments. The internet is a place where even nice people can turn ugly (great xkcd strip on that), and you've just got to accept that with all the horrible people out there, plus these nice-turned-nasty people, you are going to get hated on.

I say, if a comment comes accross like that, then don't take any notice of it. Look at all the positive comments you've got, and take that as the tip of the iceberg of people who basically love you, and then look at all the comments of people who hate you, and that's all of them. Those who have something bad to say will generally say it, where as those who don't will generally not say anything at all.

And I, personally, am greatly looking forward to RC2. :D

On the subject of the ihavereadtheinstructions toggle, it is true that this may be a major cause of the hating, as a lot of people are impatient, and don't understand the need to read readmes. I suggest taking it out, and when people spam you with 'how do you do this?' questions where it's answered in the readme, just ignore them. Or, if they are persistant, a polite RTFM. Because there'll be other users that can answer that question too, so let anyone feeling generous enough to do it for you, while you concentrate on making the mod. :)

Just my 2p.

EDIT: I do like Trademark's view on things, very well put. :thumbsup:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:17 am

I am in total agreement with the previous posters in this thread.
99.99% of these morons are stoopid kids who have grown up trolling the comment threads of internet sites like ebaums and you tube and get away with it because there is no way to track them down and put a boot in their ass Jay & Silent Bob style.
I trust in karma myself.
Sooner or later they piss off the wrong person and get their face mashed in.
Balance is regained.
You ARE very much appreciated here.
We love you, Ignore them as what they are...pathetic, lonely kids with an unwarranted grudge.
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Gen Daley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:37 pm

Simple solution: Ignore them. If they are threatening you, report it to a mod.
The only thing they want is attention.

Please don't make the same mistake as Slof.
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Alisia Lisha
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:22 pm

Sorry to hear what you have to put up with. :( In a way I feel guilty for never recieving such hate and complaint mails and PMs. All I can say is that there are alot of people who DO like your work and DO appreciate all your efforts. And I am one of them and looking forward to UV RC2. :D

Trademark: Nice work, a bit more informing than just RTFM. If I may I'd like to cite you on that. :goodjob:

...(one of which required me to call the police)....
Wow seriously?!? :o That's just disgusting (not that you called the police but that it was nessecary). :(

As stated above I never really had to put up with such things but I can imagine 'just ignoring' isn't as simple as it sounds. If there are alot (and it sounds like there are) of different people then you need to ignore each and every one atleast once. And that probably means reading half of the PMs before realizing it should have been ignored. The damage might then already be done.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:51 pm

I actually laughed my pants of when I deliberatelly didn't read the readme and change the ini to see what would happen! I'm looking forward to the next version of UV!

So I'm not the only one who thought it was funny. :D
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Danny Warner
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:21 pm

So I'm not the only one who thought it was funny. :D

I was one of the first players who downloaded UV and I am sure I was the first who fell into this trap.

Laughed as well :P
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Chad Holloway
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:51 pm


I come here to learn of progress in mods, etc., yet rarely post since I have little to contribute to the technical side of modding.

Perhaps to redress in a small way the harmful comments, please allow me some short words of praise:

You are a gentleman and a scholar. The patience and courage you show might well become legendary. Your work is known and appreciated by many people who are silent; I have been one until now. You have my sincerest thanks for your work, and all my encouragement to ignore those who would tear you down in ignorant rage. Stand tall, stride confidently, all sane and civilized Oblivion fans, and they are legion, salute you.

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