Personally, i feel MMO trend is an unhealthy trend, not only for customers but also for developers.
Firstly, the one who can enjoy MMO are the ones who have computer with internet connection. Not everybody have internet connection, and some who have it, don't have high speed internet connection. Only those who have highly upgraded computer with high speed internet connection can enjoy MMO. By can be only enjoyed by the elites.
Secondly, those who don't have highly upgraded computer and/or high speed internet connection will play at cyber cafe who will charge them per hour. believe me when i say this, those who come to cyber cafe to play games are kids, school children. They use their the money their parents give for school and invest them in cyber cafe after school.
MMO is actually for the elite group of people who can invest lots of money on their computer and internet bills. And it svck money from poor people who want to enjoy the game. It is like will lie to their parents, wasting their money at cyber cafe and in return they got nothing from it.
It also bad for developer, you see, MMO is just a trend, you wasting all your resource and energy to develop MMO game, but when it release, it already out of date. The players will soon forget it, and those players are only few players who have the requirement to play the game. Other companies will make better MMO and the players will migrate to them.
MMO also creating a very bad community, egoistic, schizophrenic, rage...just look at any online game community, chaotic.
i sometimes hangout at cyber cafe and watch those children playing, sometimes i shocked with the words they are using, bad words, profanity, extorting each other, insulting each other parents....these kids are the future generation....
What you guys think?