I find a lot of people are overlooking the fact that an MMO by definition is just a video game that is played by a massive amount of people at the same time. There's no right or wrong way to go about making one. When you expect things from past MMOs to become standard in all future MMOs, and then complain if they're not present, not only are you setting yourself up for disappointment time and time again, you might actually be holding the MMO market back from evolving into something better. After all, the customer is the driving force behind gaming, especially in subscription based MMOs.
I feel like a lot of people care far too much if a game fails. Why do you care? Do you have stock in Zenimax? Is your life going to end if you spend months playing ESO and it goes free to play, or even worse, gets shut down? I doubt it. Why not just give it a chance, see what they're trying, if you find it fun, play it. If not, just move on.
My point is, in other parts of the video game industry, the biggest achievements have come from developers taking huge risks and trying new things. Sometimes developers even go against popular opinion, and end up making a game nobody would have expected to be good. This is a new industry, and the MMO part is even newer. If every MMO to come out is just a carbon copy of another successful MMO, the MMO market and inevitably the quality of MMOs will fall.
(Not sure why I wanted to post this rant, just getting sick of all the posts saying ESO will fail without copying another game.)