Well done on generalising.. Yeah because RPGs usually appeal to dole grabbing yobos, not Battlefield 4 or other FPS shooters.
What about people like me who the last time they went to McDonalds was ten years ago...and ate a salad even then. Eat healthily exclusively. Don't drink, don't smoke. Work long hours and attend a gym and have a social life. But still want to participate in TESO. You forget about us...
Oh yes it's just 8.99..right it is not much. Unless you have to pay for all the bills in your house plus have something like Sky TV, gym membership, subcribe to things like Lovefilm or any other on demand service, have a female who demands stuff, motorbike, car, house.
I'm willing to bet you're people who are so casual about the 8.99 sub are living home and the parents pay the brunt (if not all) of the bills or are just starting out and live rental and don't have the responsibilities and expenses of owning their own house. I remember when I was like that.
Face it: this game will NOT be subcription based in eternity like WoW..and even the legendary WoW is starting to change to a pay2play model which means the likelyhood of this game succeeding like WoW are very very slim indeed. Many have tried..ALL have failed. So the real question is: WHEN will the subs be dropped. Will it be during the upcoming summer lul when less people will stay indoors to play or by the end of the year when the novelty of TESO has gone and new games come out and people have to budget for Christmas again.
I hate the sub model. Because gaming is not the highest on my list of priorities. It is categorised under "leisure" and if it's more than that for anyone, well then that's why they put the "mentalhealth.gov" link below. Leisure is meant to be fun, not stressful i.e. "I better get my moneys worth or I will lose out". Am I supposed to change job for a game or stop going to the gym? No thanks. This game needs to fit around my life.
You can pretend not many people are like me but that wont change the fact the opposite is true. The evidence is simply from the fact that no other game after WoW did a sub based game succeed. Obviously it's not very popular, otherwise we would have more than just the one. Not to mention the countless reviews and comments about people saying the same thing as me.
GW2 does a good job without subs. Why can't this game?
Anyway ignore us at your peril but people like me will vote with their feet...or credit card.