STOP!.....this one is here to stop you from making a big mistake..........installing.............MODS.............are you sure? ............please stop and think about what you about to do!
When this one was a teenager she had her..... little mother & daughter talk about..... *blushing*..... help me please.....MODS
Did this one listen to a word she said? NO in one ear and out the other...this one was overwhelmed with MODS.... wanted them so bad (putting your mace in the freezer bad)
So I did it! I gave my self away, first one MOD then two, soon too ever MOD that would come my way, it was ECSTASY.....Its raining MODS Halleluiah.....*so wrong mummy*
But then the problems came, MODS under the bed, in the closet, 6 or 7 MODS on the balcony, I was MOD happy, what next Followers, one, two....ten, who cares, I was so happy, I was in MOD Heaven.
The truth was I was a slave to MODS, I was getting drained, it was taking me longer to do things, I got slower, sluggish & I started lagging soon I could not keep up.
That's when the real problems started, the crashing, at the beginning it was once a month, then it became two, before I new it I was crashing every day, to the point where I could not....did not want to go on.....
Luckily a girl friend suggested we get help, I took all my MODS to see a counselor called Dr BOSS changed his name to Dr LOOT i think, he put a sense of order back into my life...
The crashing stopped but...........I was scared .....I was damaged goods
......... *mummy was right*
So I went home and with the advice from mummy did a new instillation from scratch....the past is behind me I'm seeing some very nice MODS, they do there best to make me feel special, still early days,
who knows might be MR Right.
This one would like to say hello............Hello everyone ..............Thanks for your time.
Yours Sah?