At the moment I'm bringing myself up to speed with the G.E.C.K., working through the tutorials and spending a lot of time looking at existing content to see how it's done (always found this a good way to learn). I'm new to FO3 modding, though I have modded before with Morrowind.
Long term, I'm looking to create a moderately small landmass mod, you know, new locations, quests and so on. Hard work for sure but something I really want to have a go at.
As a modder I believe it's important to be a good neighbour as it were. Not only does it increase the chance of people playing a mod but also, well, it's just plain polite.
With Morrowind this seemed somewhat easier, though not without complications. Easier because there was only one main consideration and that was real estate. One would look at all the major mods and take care not to build anywhere that another mod had already built on.
The real complication was the sheer wealth of mods that added new areas, settlements and so on. Finding empty territory could be tricky but doable with some diligence.
FO3 is very different. There seems to be a number of mods that tweak balance and add features. FWE, MMM, FOOK, Arwen's Realism Tweaks, Fellout, EVE, Type 3, Phalanx, Evergreen, Workbench and Crafting Expansion, Weapon Mod Kits and CALIBR to name a few.
This all scares the hell out me lol.
Because it seems not just that it could be quite easy to break something that these mods do but to also add things in, which would not be touched by these mods, that would then be out of place by people using the mods I've listed.
Now, in all honesty, I haven't got any of these mods yet. I intend to check some out, though I will be trying to limit it as having too many other mods around whilst trying to mod can be distracting in a number of ways hehe.
What I'm wondering is how much of an impact can these mods potentially have on a quest-based mod? Does a brand new NPC in my mod, for instance, then have balances issues for mods that deal with enemy behaviour and balance tweaks. Presumably giving an armour as a quest reward cause problems for people using body mods, etc.
How many of these mods change base items and how many actually change reference data?
Which of these do I not even need to worry about too much or will still work, or even enhance, my own content without me needing to do anything?
Are there any other major mods I should take into consideration?
Finally, I'm interested to know how others deal with the potential issues I've mentioned.
Now, I realise I'm not going to get all the answers I want and that, down the line, I might need to take a really good look at some of these mods in the G.E.C.K. before I know how I'm going to handle compatilbilty issues but I'd appreciate a few pointers in the right direction and some input in what I need to consider.
Thanks for reading