Enjoy Enjoy
Awesome, thank you guys! Now I would just like to get my hands on the rest of Cactusboy's races
Where can I find a working download for Atmospheric Sound Effects mod with all updates?
The PES link downloads some strange .apx file and this one is not the most recent version with all updates, I think?
This should do it.
TES Search has been somewhat flaky tends to be better to just go to MMH and do specific name, author, and filename searches. Searching with google works well too btw.
Is there a magicka regeneration mod that doesn't require any expansion?
Never tried it, but it seems that doesn't require an expansion.
Can anyone point me in the direction of NioLiv's robe meshes, if there's a pack of them available? plus
I'm looking for Realistic animals for scripted spells.rar it was available on back in the day from akavir any response is appreciated
Realistic Animals for scripted spells =>
omg papill6n you are my hero thank you so much
ok a couple more I'm looking for
Sebastien Hair by Akavir
Paradise Hair by Akavir
Gate To Oblivion by MC_Stalker
There are readmes for every mod included in the HELLUVA sets bundled in with every weapon category they are in, so it shouldn't be hard to get the names of the individual mods.
Does anyone recall an old particle effects tutorial? It came with a small download that included a few particle templates, one was attached to gloves, I believe.
Perhaps Amael's particle tutorial? I tried to access the site but it appears to be dead, and wayback machine doesn't work; this is a real shame It was the best tutorial on how to make particles for Morrowind.
That sounds like it! Thanks Mandamus, I'll take a look around for it. Might even be on my computer somewhere.
I have the downloadable file, but all of the instructions were in the actual page. I've been trying for a couple of years to find someone who actually grabbed the entire page. If any of you have it, I and a lot of others would be eternally grateful for a copy.
Another great, albeit mostly unknown tutorial from which I learned how to do particle effects in 3dsmax 5 was available on It was a terrific tutorial full of tips on how to make particles for Morrowind and how to make cool particle animations for creatures. Unfortunately, the download link ( is also dead. If someone has it it could be really useful for people interested in particle emitters and creature animations.
I have Mr. D. hairstyle and Mr. M. hairstyle take on the Akavir's russian topic.
and this mod
Melchior, I might have it on my external harddrive, but I won't be able to ckeck it until monday at the latest. Once I'm able to check it,I'll let you know either way if I have it or not.
This is available additional downloads, it's not the main file. I missed it yesterday. Anyway, this is really useful for max 5 users (and I suspect max 4 users), the max files are very interesting to check out, and there are lots of tips on particles and animations in the readme. I remember making some cool particle effects with that tutorial back in 2005. (My thanks go to mmh for preserving this archive and nzdawghaus for reuploading it.)