I have two mods that I'd like to find..
http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/75/screenshot874copy.jpg by ancient_laws
It's based on Akatosh Mount (as you can see).
Second one.. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/16459-1-1253809863.jpg
I asked Imperator3 where to get it but he wants to get that dragon before giving the link. Only clue I got is that it can be downloaded from russian TES forums but I haven't been able to find any russian TES forums with modding discussion :S (google translate ftw)
Imperator has been told by Floydian that that particular dragon was never released and that he (Floydian) received a copy directly from the author. I've been to the Chinese forum in question (and so has Imperator, if you read his post history) and haven't seen it anywhere other than in screenshots, though most of the other stuff people ask for is available there if you can figure out how to navigate. The "you can't get my stuff without doing this for me" attitude of his is very off-putting to say the least, and I don't even want any of his mods!
Thread, for reference: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?s=&showtopic=145968&view=findpost&p=1312108
Edit: Using your clue about Russian forums, flaicher, I was able to find this page: http://mtes.ru/Forum/index.php?showtopic=19855 I stopped there but when you know a modder's name try putting it into Google with the word "Oblivion" and you can get quite the summary of what they've been up to.