I know there is a pet dragon on tesnexus but i cannot find it. It isnt the akatosh mount
Ya must be referring to Maigrets, I think. The file does not exist anymore which I dunno why, but anyways, here the old thread on that pet:
i used to have this mod... it was completely awesome!... it was made by Wrye... and now i cant find it

is there any place i can get Wrye's mods? especialy the one that made it so you could 'shapeshift' into NPCs?

Well, there http://www.tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=52087 in TES Nexus, but does not contain the mod.
I also try the http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://wrye.ufrealms.net/. No luck.