I already saw that one too but I believe it doesn't have a way of exporting them out- just manipulation of faces. Well I'll give it a try and post results.
Ok here's the read me just to make sure I understood it correctly.
* What does it do? *
This simply adds the required files to the FaceGen Modeller 3.1 Demo to allow you to view and alter the Oblivion Models. It has the khajiit, orc, argonian and humanoid races. The humanoid races all use the same model, that's why there's only one.
It means you can manipulate the heads in the FaceGen, export the ob files (if you have the full version of the software) and use NifSkope to create your own custom races.
* How to Install *
1. Download and install the FaceGen Demo if you haven't already done so. Their download page is at http://www.facegen.com/demos.htm
2. Download my files and unpack into the Program Files\Singular Inversions\FaceGen Modeller 3.1 Demo folder. If you have the full version of FaceGen then unpack into the Program Files\Singular Inversions\FaceGen Modeller 3.1 folder.
* How do I get it to work? *
Start up the demo and then click on the Model>Change Model Set menu item. You can now select and deselect the Oblivion Models.
* Known problems *
For some reason Bethesda altered the geometry so the heads are upside down. They can be easily rotated the right way up.
The humanoid characters now have ears as I've worked out how to generate tri files. You can change the ears by clicking on Change Polys.
The Photofit function doesn't work with Oblivion faces. You'll get an incorrect placement of markers error. This probably because the face geometry is upside down.
* To do list *
It looks like I can convert the hair models to work with the FaceGen Demo. However they will push up the filesize considerably, so I may do them as a seperate download.
* Changes *
v2.0 Put each race type in it's own model set. Converted human ears to work in the FaceGen.
v1.0 Very basic version.The models were all in one model set.
Have fun,
Ok then so it loads up oblivion faces so i can custom them out but I am at a loss as to how the exportation process comes about- any help in that department?
Oh yeah I also got it to work with photofit but its only decent looking at best, no idea how the Original Modder got error markers.