I'm looking for a mod that adds Assassins gear/armour
Ya can also look into this list:
Hello guys can you please help me find (if possible) a house mod for oblivion?
I have gone trough alot of house mods but most of them are to .. well pompous

, im looking for a simple house with some storage space .. best house i had and only house iv used i morrowind is abu's retreat ( http://www.morrowind-mod.com/Abu%27s%20Retreat%20Screenshots%201.html ) .
So i was wondering is there any house mod like this one with armor mannequins.. and decent storage space but nothing extravagant like castles or flying ships

.. just a simple cozy house
Ya can wait until http://oblivionsrealestate.com/ is up and running again.
In the mean time, I found some ya can look at:
There a heck lot more then these, I can tell ya that.