should have such hairstyles.
Ah, yes... Ren's beauty pack. I downloaded the whole shebang to find out the hair style does not fit Haruka's face
Seriously, I downloaded the beauty pack itself, and then Ren's beauty hair conformulated only to find one hairstyle that goes all the way to the waist with no front hair (and bangs at that too, I find bangs to not fit Haruka's face), and after all kinds of trial and error I managed to get it work, only to be dissatisfied by it

I kind of infuriated myself...
And still, in Ren's beauty pack there is no hairstyle that fits the one used by beni in Silver Ranger mod

kind of like one last kick in the balls
Sigh... well, I'll just give up on the hair. Anybody knows of a shield mod that has black color? And one with gold too? I want to use them with Armor and, or (not that futuristic-like Black Templar, alll16's HGEC-D Templar Armor Beta)
I want to do Shivering Isles quest, and I'm the Duchess of Dementia. Dark Seducer's Shield is kind of... lame. Compared to Dark Moon and Dark Rose Armor Haruka is wearing...
Oh, and if possible, I want them to have unique mesh, not a simple round shield or something like mithril shield. They're quite... boring. I don't mind if I have to do a bit of retexturing.
There exists mod that changes the duration of arrows sticking to the object you're shooting at (enemies or radom objects) to pretty much hours real-time (or was it indefinite? I forgot). I forgot which mod is it though. A bit of search in tesnexus with keyword "arrow" might get you something, because I saw the short description saying hat (you'll see it without clicking the mod)