» Wed Sep 08, 2010 1:15 pm
after a topic on foreign mods, I got intrested in seeing mods not made by english-speakers, since you can find most of those mods on the Nexus anyways.
I browse the Nexus ALOT, and don't get me wrong, there are many wonderful mods. But after seeing all the mods I have looked at, they all seem to become stale after awhile...only once in awhile does one mod REALLY stand out.
I have always had an intrest in Foreign places and people, and took up looking at foreign mod sites. The first one that sounded most intresting is a Polish site. I found a few mods there alread, especially the "WTF!?! MESH" which replaces the giant yellow and pink exclamation mark into a sign that says "WTF!?! Mesh"
I also found a few others.
but there is a mod with an image of a city that looks amazing! The mod itself is not the city (I don't think) but a modification to it, and so I would like to know if anyone has heard of Aithamavel, the mod that modifies that city.
http://www.elderscrolls.com.pl/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=231&func=fileinfo&id=237 to where I am looking at it (You will need to translate the page unless you are familiar with Polish)