I PM'ed Emma and Pseron here. It can't be any more of a setback than it is right now and who knows, maybe it will locate a lost mod. Can't hurt at least.
I PM'ed Emma and Pseron here. It can't be any more of a setback than it is right now and who knows, maybe it will locate a lost mod. Can't hurt at least.
Looks like I stumbled on the wrong forum, and I'm not able to find it now. Thanks for the link!
Grndrgn76, thank you from the bottom of my heart for uploading http://mw.modhistory.com/download--14860.
I don't know where s/he saw the post so I'm thanking him/her everywhere.
I trusted this would happen.
257 dirty edits... oh dear... You made me curious about this mod; I'm going to take a look at it.
It's not as large as I remember it but it's still very nice. Even after using tes3cmd, you still need TESAME to clean some cells. My guess is back then they didn't know as much as they do now. They also didn't have the tools. This is a very old mod.
I just looked at the date on it. It was last modified 07/11/2002.
Crankgorilla came through, thank you though what you get for posting a resource in you load order on a forum, http://mw.modhistory.com/download--14861 is now available at http://mw.modhistory.com/home
Yes, we do have better tools now. I just discovered the existence of a "http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Other.Detail&id=52". I installed it but I have no idea how to use it; figuring out how TESame works was a lot easier.
I took a look at the mod; it's not exactly what I'm interested in: too much possibilities for the player. And, could anyone give me a good definition of "cell house"? I looked for a translation in French (my mother tongue) but I get only references to prisons...
They are basically the exact same tool. I think EE is actually easier to use, because it has better labels.
Just remember the golden rule: Make a back-up first.
Then you can mess around until you figure it out.
I still think there are some things in EE and TESAME that only a few of us understand, (myself not included in that few.) But it's great for doing what the CS can't, even for the average user.
I look at every mod I install with EE before I add it to my Load Order.
edit: Just realized which thread I'm in. Sorry for a bit off topic.
did anyone happen to grab http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1039008-mod-detectives-xxviii/page-3#entry15224150 or the files for the TC: http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1039008-mod-detectives-xxviii/page-3#entry15229082 the last time they were made available here on Mod Detectives? Neither of those seem to have made their way to MMH.
I think I removed Galbedir's Soul Gems when I made http://download.fliggerty.com/download-1009-789. I no longer have a copy of Galbedir Soul Gems but I could probably whip one up in about 10 minutes or less if you really wanted me to.
And reading the previous link in the other post, Galbedir's Soul Gems did NOT include filled soul gems. It was empty only.
Lat found yer Galbedir Soulgems Denina (and put it on MMH last night ) I was under the impression that Galbedir's Soulgems was what caused you to make Galbedir SoulGems.
Also how about this one: anyone happen to grab http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1039008-mod-detectives-xxviii/page-5#entry15430064 last time it was available here in mod detectives? *sighs* so many mods asked for in the past that never made their way to MMH
Edit: http://web.archive.org/web/20030220020223/home.austin.rr.com/shakti/morrowind/shaktiplugins.htm by Shakti This was asked for in the past but I saw no responses....anyone happen to have this?
EDIT: Thanks Latendresse
With a little google-fu http://mw.modhistory.com/download--14866 is again available
Would anyone happen to have http://web.archive.org/web/20070507074159/http://www.elricm.com/nuke/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=Downloads&file=index&req=viewdownloaddetails&lid=506 by Niero aka CDR aka Calder Ross? It looks like http://web.archive.org/web/20060427012038/http://www.morrowind-mod.com/imagesmr/Niero/ArmorComplete.jpg. I am aware of the copy that is on fullrest...looking for the original for MMH.
Edit: Thank-you NZdawghaus & latendresse76
English version here (click Pobierz)
I'm looking for the mod that makes it so that open fires damage the player if they stand in them. I'm positive that I've seen this mod in the past, but I can't seem to find it now and I can't recall the name.
Anyone remember it?
edit: why does this always seem to happen? "Hurt" was the keyword. http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=mods.detail&id=1781
Archeopterix linked me this interesting web page, but stated she no longer has the mod due to a HD crash. The http://members.shaw.ca/nickyart4/Easter/Yay.htm. I note that Daduke made a mod with Easter eggs in Seyda Neen, but his eggs are not that light pastel color. Would anyone happen to remember/have this mod?
I have a couple of probably impossible requests, but I'll fire a volley:
1) The original resource files and schematics for Better Bodies, once available at the erstwhile and now defunct Psychodog Studios. I believe they are 3ds Max 3 and 4 resource files and documentation.
2) Sheol's Female Dremora Armour Set. I had this set once, a *long* time ago, and I once found a texture resource (which I still have) for the cuirass, but not the mod proper. IIRC, she pulled it over a tiff with one of the other prominent modders at the time, Mr. Dave.
It's not quite Cenobite level revealing, but does qualify as Alleged Armour. *giggles*
Spirithawke , try Phaedra's Easter Egg Hunt v3 - I recollect that it had those pastel models in use and the read-me credits them as her own retex of Beth original Kwama egg models . ( now for a link ......http://mw.modhistory.com/download-44-6137 )
It won't be the exact mod your after but I think her models were less saturated than those by clavis . That at least should give you the eggs used if not the specific mod .
Thanks CrazyGreggy, I was looking for it for MMH, not myself though ( I knew about the other one if you looked at the admin comments *grins* )
I found http://web.archive.org/web/20110806173547/http://www.psychodogstudios.com/betterbodies/downloads.php link and the download link for the resource file(s) for 3ds MAX is working, but unfortunate there is no archive attached to download a least I couldn't download it.
Thank you *very* much for the effort, Leonardo! Very sweet of you.-) Alas, I already knew about that link, and have tried in vain searching for "BB21_source.rar" using various search engines, foreign language Morrowind sites, and pretty much anything else of which I can think. The Russian Forums (read: Fullrest) don't even have it (this one shocks me, actually). No dice. *sobs*
Like Sheol's mod, Obi-Wan Kenobi another modder/modeller who has these files resident on an HD or thumbs drive is my only hope, I reckon; though, I can't quite believe yet, with as many Morrowind enthusiasts still active, that *NOT ONE* doesn't have it *somewhere*. I had these files once, but lost them to, you guessed it, an HD crash. *sad, sad, frowny face*
Go to this http://web.archive.org/web/20070223110707/http://www.psychodogstudios.com/betterbodies/downloads.php and you can download the source files.
THANK. YOU. If you were standing in front of me, Spirithawke, I'd plant a kiss on your cheek!!!! YAY! Now, if you can find Sheol's mod, I'd consider birthing your firstborne...*giggle*