I'm looking for a set of icons for Morrowind's utilities. I recall one of them contained an Armorer's Hammer and Repair Tongs; another contained a scroll with the moon and star on it. There were a few others, but these are the ones I remember.
I'm looking for a set of icons for Morrowind's utilities. I recall one of them contained an Armorer's Hammer and Repair Tongs; another contained a scroll with the moon and star on it. There were a few others, but these are the ones I remember.
http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/files/file/1187-icon-replacement-pack/, maybe?
EDIT: Ah, I googled smarter and found it. Again, I can't post links, but it's on Nexus. I searched for [ "fair magicka regen" smoke ] and it was the first result.
Gluby's Guide refers to a Magicka regeneration mod called "Fair Magicka Regen 2.0b" by "Smoke", which was a modified version of "Adjustable Magicka Regen" (formerly and confusingly also called "Fair Magicka Regen") by GlassBoy. The link to the 2.0b Smoke version on Gluby's guide no longer works, and I couldn't find the 2.0b version with Google or on Morrowind Modding History. Might anyone have it lingering on a hard drive somewhere?
I can't post links or URLs, so I can't point you directly to the relevant page in Gluby's guide, but if you google "gluby magicka" it should be the first result.
For the curious I have found and rescued the http://mw.modhistory.com/download--14900 out of the wayback machine and MMH now has it.
Does anybody have the "No Thieving Start" by Tarnsman mod mentioned here? http://www.mwmythicmods.com/Gluby/Gluby_CharGen_Mods.htm#MinorCharGenMods
http://mw.modhistory.com/download--2706 by Tarnsman
Anyone got Bahamut's skinning armor tutorial by any chance? It's not on MMH and I really need it to convert Oblivion clothing mods over to Morrowind. Thank you
http://www.4shared.com/office/UEf7UVP2/morrowind_skinned_armor_tutori.html Enjoy
Edit: http://mw.modhistory.com/download--14902.
That's great! I have my own armor to create, thanks to you. And I'm sure Envy is grateful to you too
Does anyone have Lochnarus' Lunaris Shield mod? I keep seeing mentions of it, but I can't find a copy anywhere. It was up on PES at some point, but it seems to have been pulled a while back.
Just a FYI: Polish TES site "Adamantytowa Wie?a" (Adamantine Tower) is being suspended, due to several problems and lack of funds. I wouldn't mention that here, but that site has mod downloads, and has been online since 2003, so there might be some mods not available any more elsewhere. Site suspends on 12th August, so there just a week to check for valuable or forgotten mods.
http://elderscrolls.phx.pl/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=11&func=select&id=13 leads to "Morrowind Mods > English" section. Click on "Pobierz" to download. Some files might need to be downloaded by "Save file as" instead of left click. Some may also be broken.
Category translation:
Budynki i budowle - Buildings
Kompleksowe - Complex mods
Muzyka i d?wi?ki - Music and sounds
Oficjalne - Official
Patche - Patches
Potwory - Monsters
Programy i u?ytki - Programs and utilities
Przedmioty - Items
Usprawnienia - Tweaks
Zadania i przygody - quests and adventures
Znaki, rasy, profecje - Birthsigns, races, classes
I wish I was Logitech... at least I can read Cyrillic. Some of the cognates are similar, however.
Here ya go Raveblack : http://mw.modhistory.com/download-4-14904
Freshly uped to MMH ( went through a fairly thorough search there but couldn't find it - if I missed it , I'm sure a mod there can take the appropriate steps ! )
Also Gez you refer to NeilV's Imperial Female armor replacer I take it ? That that had gone on to MMH - I'll just have a squizzy and if it isn't will up it for you .
Here tis : http://mw.modhistory.com/download-55-5872
enjoy !
Does anyone know who made http://i43.tinypic.com/2hdo039.jpg hairstyles?
There are used all over Emma's White Wolf of Lokken Mountain mod, but I'm not sure if they were created by Emma herself, or if she was using someone else's work. In my game currently, they are only available to Nord females. I want to implement one of them for a Breton character I rolled up, and I think I could make a plugin for that fairly easily. But I work very hard at being lazy, so I wanted to make sure there wasn't a hairpack out there that already does it.
Well, the ReadMe has this to say:
These hairpacks were crafted by noted Morrowind modelling legend, Gorg. All links appear to lead to PES, and all of Gorg's work is kaput. I checked MMH and found http://mw.modhistory.com/search?searcht=Gorg These also survived my Great HD Crash of 2013.,if you need them.
Protip: search keyword "Gorg", check "exact match", and check "author" and you will fnd Gorg's hairpacks.-) There's at least six of them.
Awesome, thanks! Now just just figure out which pack or packs they are from, download something that can open an .ace file, or decide if it would be less work in the long run to make my own plugin file...