I have no idea who the author was.

I actually have the entire Morrowind folder burned to four CD-roms from my brother's computer - back then, I didn't have a PC. So, when I got my own computer, we burned it to disc. He uninstalled it when he got bored of it, but one of the discs was damaged, so I was never able to recreate that install. I was able to save the save files and update them with wrye mash, but I just went back to the disc and pulled out a save file from Oct 2003, and this was the load list:
Masters for ChloesJo0000.ess:
001 Morrowind.esm
002 Tribunal.esm
003 Packguar_1111.esp
004 scythe.esp
005 Kats_F_Breton_Heads.esp
006 SilentCharGen.esp
007 DragonRecognition.esp
008 Pretty_Faces_02_Alpha.esp
009 arenacontractpit20.esp
010 black robe.esp
011 20books.esp
012 Loras_Player_Hair.esp
013 Persuasion Response Expansion v2.esp
014 dg_kilts.esp
015 JandusSeydaNeenTransportService_0722.esp
016 entertainers.esp
017 AreaEffectArrows.esp
018 bcsounds.esp
019 adamantiumarmor.esp
020 EBQ_Artifact.esp
021 Inscription.esp
022 fem_body_v1.1.esp
023 Siege at Firemoth.esp
024 PotionSorter.esp
025 Beds4Rent.esp
026 Hall Of Hands.esp
027 BookRotate.esp
028 female glass cuirass.esp
029 RheddHeads v1.esp
030 RheddHeads Imp_M01.esp
031 RheddHeads Bret_M01.esp
032 MH Transportation.esp
033 RheddHeads Bret_F01.esp
034 RheddHeads Nord_F01.esp
035 female_cuirasses_2.0.esp
036 Alchemists_Recipes_Books.esp
037 Secluded Hide-out.esp
038 indybank.esp
039 Leias_Wizard_Hat.esp
040 dark-mod.esp
041 Birthsigns.esp
042 Flame-Ice-Swords.esp
043 RheddHeads Vamp.esp
044 nox_vamp_0.93b.esp
045 Cloak Collection.esp
046 Morrowind Additions.esp
047 RheddHeads Nord_M01.esp
048 New Robes.esp
049 Robe_update.esp
050 Leias_Dual_Wield_03.esp
051 ADarkElf.esp
052 ImperialLegionUniform.esp
053 Clean Bethaliz's Lefemm armor v2.esp
054 Wilderness Mod.esp
055 GIANTS.esp
056 wigaddon.esp
057 Rapier.esp
058 Balmora, Abandoned Tower.esp
059 Wilderness Mod2.esp
060 LeFemmArmor.esp
061 RheddHeads WElf_M01.esp
062 Winged_Folk.esp
063 MASTER.esp
I want to say it was part of the wilderness mod in 2003, but it obviously isn't part of the wilderness mod that is available these days.
Its so weird looking at this old load list - I have so few of those mods installed, these days.