Is there an alternate link for Misty Moon's Enhanced Signs, Banners and Tapestries mod? I know it's on ElricM, but like everyone else lately, I can't seem to download anything; it brings me to a blank page. ES search and a manual check of the usual sites didn't bring up any alternate download spots., good for 7 days / 100 downloads.
I'm looking for a mod that edits Balmora river by lowering a part of the street near the river. It's like some sort of terraces. It also adds tables and chairs on the lower part making it look like a restaurant in the open. I've seen the mod on PES I think last week, but I can't find it anymore.
Pretty sure from the screens that's Lucien Fairfax's, there's also basswalker's They're the two recent Balmora changing mods I know of.