Hi, I looking for Faction Service Requirements v1.4.3 by http://web.archive.org/web/20050204015834/www.angelfire.com/games5/vanhikes/, it should be an updated version based on vanhikes wellknown http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=4548 v1.3. I was able too : retrieve the http://web.archive.org/web/20050209075105/www.angelfire.com/games5/vanhikes/Service_Requirements.txt with help from the Wayback Machice. sence Thelys was a frence mod site my best guess is that it's possibly hosted at the frence Elder Scrolls fan site/mod site. Just an idea. Hope it not loose.
I uploaded Service_Requirements_V1.4.3.zip to ElricM. It's pending approval. The mod is makeshiftwings update to vanhikes original mod.

And almost forgotten Horny_Buddha many thank too you man. You are a real kind man, can't tell you how greatful I am

All credit in the case of Service Requirements V1.4.3 by makeshiftwings goes too:
Horny_Budda for submitted the mod itself :thumbsup:
Monica21 for maintaning the great site Elric Melnibone
makeshiftwings for making the update
Bethasda Softworks for making the game we all love and hate :unsure:
A little victory in the big job of preserving the past modders work. :goodjob: