ive been slowly but surely reinstalling morrowind and its mods over the last couple of months.......been playing fallout 3 lately. im using a webpage and it recommended better heads v2, however i cant seem to find it except a torrent which noone is seeding. i didnt see it on psychodogs site either.
That one on Planet Elder Scrolls is mis-labelled - http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=2735. When you download it and open it up you will find ...
The Elder Scrolls III
Better Heads
version 2.0
based on the work of Gorg & Arathrax (aka DarkSharp)
reorganized by Motoki

Edit: Do you also want the modular version, allows you to select the races you want?
Here and on Morrowind Modding History in a few - http://www.mediafire.com/file/mnyozxeimmj/BH_Modularv4.rar. This is just race specific .esps: you will still need v.2.