As far as I know, it is not available anymore, and those archives are all dead:(
I would also love to have it though. There's a lot of neat stuff in there, but the resource would take weeks to go through.
Perhaps Fliggerty has it stored away somewhere?
Well the Resource pack is up on, but that's just meshes and textures, no ESP. Twilight is the ESP and I can't find that.
Hello, I'm looking for a Mod called Morrowind Additional Splash screens. There was a Tribunal addon and a creature splash pack from what I remember. Does anyone have a link or a copy?
Check PES: there are a large number of splashscreen packs any idea what creatures were included or (roughly) what any of the splashscreens were of?
Can someone direct me to Connary's Great Houses: Hlaalu? It's no longer on PES for some reason?

Connary's removed his mods from PES in the buildup to releasing his single compendium download.
[Edit: Ah, ninja'd :ninja: Well, by nine minutes, a bit of an arthritic ninja really. Teach me to stack up a bunch of threads in different tabs...]