Fallout New Vegas, along with Fallout 3 have high requirements to play on the computer. Problem, i have only a bad computer.
Before you get bored of this thread, listen up. To any good mod makers out there, i have brilliant ideas in which i would like to see brought to life.
If any moders are looking for ideas... i can give you one, i have many... and the more i play Fallout the more i get ideas.
I should be getting a brand new computer, but that won't be until this winter, so i need other moders to realize my dream mods.
My mod ideas are strictly Quest/Story based, as that is my favorite part of Fallout. The ideas i have roughly thought up in my mind can make wonderful story lines that add alot of uniqueness to the mod community, and Fallout New Vegas itself.
If you would like to give me a go, or just want a basic idea, P.M me and i will be happy to give away my ideas... but only if your a good moder. So if you could tell me what mods you have made when you send the message, i would greatly appreciate it.
P.S: Sorry if you think this thread was pointless.