New to this whole modding thing but can anyone give me mods that will fix the texture for how characters look like hair and faces? Also any clothing that looks awesome to you all or something lol
Is there a way all of this can be easy to install, like I would love it if all I had to do is go to Oblivion/Data folder and put it there? That is the easiest way for me, thank you
Read for a guide and introduction to oblivion modding. Protip: Use a mod manager (Wrye Bash or OBMM extended) to install mods.
I am using OBMM but even with or without it like files that are just esp or whatever it called i install manually but even with or without it alot of times it won't work either way-__-
Like I was trying to use the mod that allows you to see your character sleeping yet when I picked to Rest in game I didn't see anything at all it just went and said i slept for 1 hour-_-
Do you enable them in OBMM after installing the mod files? Also, read the readme to see if other special steps have to be taken to ensure proper functioning of the mod. And requirements - does it need OBSE etc.?