I just got this game a week or two ago and is actually really good I have an idea for a class type I would like to make a character as but the game currently doesn't truly support yet but almost does these changes would allow for such a class but without adversely affecting the in game too much I think. I am sorry I didn't make the mod myself but I do not have the time due to real life.
The class I am thinking about would be a true melee mage, he would be in nothing but mage clothing and using conjured gear but setup to do mostly melee damage, his main trees would be Conjuration, Alteration, and his weapon of choice's tree with illusion as his subtype.
The main core changes to allow for this would be:
1) In the Mystic Perk tree, change "Mystic Binding" to a 2 rank perk where rank 2 is available at level 40 and add makes it so conjured weapons now last until sheathed instead of having a duration. This way the weapon you make stays active for as long as you desire.
2) In the Alteration Perk tree, change "Mage Armor" into a 4 rank perk where rank 4 is available at level 100 that makes it so mage armors now last indefinitely so long as they are not wearing any armor as to give them a true armor.
3) A new spell, "Conjure Shield", just like the other conjured weapons it scales with your perk tree and at low levels, it is about as strong as the weak shields but maxed out it would be as strong as an unenchanted Daedric shield just like the other conjured items.
4) Change the illusion spell "Call to Arms" to also increase shield rating as well.
With some smaller (optional) changes to make it easier to level as this setup:
1) Change it so skill increases from using conjured weapons to be split equally between the Conjuration tree and the weapon tree they are using.
2) Change it so getting hit while using mage armor adds to the Alteration tree as much as you would earn in the Heavy or Light Armor trees as though you had 1 piece of gear of that type.
3) Change "Conjure Dagger" to now be a silent weapn that no longer gives you away the moment you swing to others around as described in "http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Bound_Dagger_(Dragonborn)"
These changes would allow for the creation of a mage that specializes in hand to hand combat. Conjured weapon, conjured armor and lots of utility. His armor when maxed would be as strong as both the Heavy and Light Armors which both cap out when maxed already as his last armor spell gives him 80% physical damage reduction, his weapons would be as strong as the unenchanted Daedric weapons and his destruction and restoration spells would be weaker than most who go into them trees but still better than nothing. His would be weaker than other melee classes in Armor and Weapons but stronger than pure casters, his spells would be weaker than other caster types but still stronger than the melee characters but his utility would be unmatched compared to other class types.
Bonus if you can change the graphics on the last armor to look like a conjured form of the Daedric Armor while active and the Call to Arms now adds a slight change in color to the armor.